Pelosi incorrectly refers to Ron Johnson in Wisconsin as ‘Don Johnson’

In her weekly newsletter on Thursday, House President Nancy Pelosi mistakenly referred to Senator Ron Johnson as ‘Don Johnson’, an actor best known for his role as James ‘Sonny’ Crockett in the 1980 television series Miami Vice.


Pelosi slammed Wisconsin Republican and a staunch supporter of former President Trump for “taking the lead” in the GOP’s response to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, when reporters told her she was mixing made.

‘Don Johnson, was his first name Don? What is it, Ron? ” She asked reporters, to which they replied, ‘No.’

Pelosi continues to laugh as she corrects herself.

“Senator, let me call him. Not ‘Miami Vice’ or anything like that. Don Johnson,” Pelosi said. “Ron Johnson seems to be taking the lead on the extent of how we look at protecting our country from domestic terrorism.”

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The comic immediately grabs the attention of comedian Chris Redd, who co-stars with Don Johnson and his co-star on Saturday Night Live in the cast of Keenan Thompson in the NBC sitcom “Keenan.”

“My dawg @DonJohnson on top of the thoughts of those above !, “he joked.” Like it. “

One Twitter user claims the move was purposeful and calls Pelosi ‘the queen of the shadows’.

“She calls the idiot Ron Johnson … Don Johnson … then asks …” what’s his name? and refers to Miami Vice !, “wrote the user.” Pelosi’s shadow is legendary! “

Another user agreed that it was a slip of the tongue, but argued that ‘we are all now Sonny Crockett (Don Johnson) of Miami Vice a little cooler than any politician. ‘

“He put the bad guys in jail to get started,” the user added. “He made five o’clock shadows, no socks, pastel wear, everything warm.”

Meanwhile, another commenter wrote: “I would rather think of Don Johnson to do Pelosi’s defense.”

Pelosi also called on Mitch McConnell, a Senate minority leader, who called her proposal to appoint a Jan. 6 commission to investigate the riot “as a biased design.”

She argued McConnell was “taking a page from Senator Johnson’s book.”


During a congressional hearing on Tuesday on security failures that could have caused the events in the Capitol, Johnson claimed that the “vast majority” of protesters had a “jovial, friendly, serious attitude” and blamed the violence on “military military clothing, agent provocateurs, fake Trump protesters and disciplined uniformed column of attackers. ‘

The remarks drew criticism from Johnson’s Democratic and Republican colleagues, who said he “spread information so blatantly.”

Johnson, who will be re-elected in 2022, was part of a handful of lawmakers who disputed in January over President Biden’s election college certification, and repeatedly promoted baseless allegations of widespread electoral fraud in the 2020 election.

He has not yet decided whether he will be eligible for a third term, but Democrat Tom Nelson, the outgoing provincial executive of Outagamie County and a former lawmaker, announced a bid in October to serve against him.

In addition, other names have drifted as potential challengers for Johnson, including Lieutenant Government Mandela Barnes, Attorney General Josh Kaul, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski and several members of the legislature.

Associated Press contributed to this report
