Pelosi has maximum military authority in the country to ensure that Trump does not access nuclear codes | News Univision Elections in EUEU 2020

The Republican Senator from Nebraska, Ben Sasse, says he’s proud of President Donald Trump calls for a “forgotten” action during the events of Wednesday that passed will end in the hearing of the Capitol and consider a political juiciness of the mandate, if the Chamber of Deputies is in the process of doing so.

“Donald Trump has actuado de manera vergonzosa. Has been in flagrant incompleteness of his deber, y will be recorded by haber incited this and by haber provoked more division into a people and divided. That’s what Donald Trump is. Ese es su legado ”, says Sasse in an interview with CBS.

Although it is one of the most critical senators of the mandate, Sasse does not favor Trump’s immediate release of his cargo, as well as those who propose the activation of the 25th Amendment.

“Definitely consider any article that the Chamber of Representatives can promote”, said Sasse when asked his opinion on a possible second ‘impeachment’, another mechanism that Trump’s most critics are activating to hold accountable is the anonymous quintessence of women in Congress.

In a more tedious radial interview, Sasse had adjudicated the culprit of the episodes of violence against the president, who were watching earlier había arengado a miles de sus sympatizantes reunidos cerca de la Casa Blanca a irse hasta la sede del Congreso where a bicameral meeting contests the votes of the Electoral College certifying the triumph of Joe Biden.

(El Capitolio) fue saqueado por una turna incita par el presidente de Estados Unidos (…) El presidente tuvo un evento horas antes de que est pasada, donde les dijo que fueran al Capitolio y fueran salvajes (…) The tip is addicted to the division. It’s a deep breath on his face ”.

These are the traditional differences of opinion with the President, Sasse did not vote on Trump’s impeachment of the principles of this year, when was judged in the Congress by haber intending to make an extraterrestrial power (Ukraine) help to attack the campaign of the high president electo Joe Biden.
