Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez, History of a Democratic Family | US Elections

The new United States Congress does not have this position and is willing to vote for Nancy Pelosi as President of the Chamber of Deputies and, therefore, as the third authority of the country. It’s the only woman in history who has occupied this land and has lived there for some time (between 2007 and 2011 and from 2019 until now). On the verge of the future Vice President, Kamala Harris, we did not have an elective policy as strong as it was 80 years old. Account, in principle, with sufficient votes to be confirmed in the cargo, although can not allow many transactions without a margin of error. Villana de cuento para los republicanos y epítome del establishment for the more democrats in the Izquierda, Nadie in the party has already disputed the issue.

Dice the congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, icon of the new Savior of the Capitol, that Pelosi should march and pass on to other people, because these people, desperately, do not exist, and do not have to play. ‘What I preoccupy, and admit that it’s a phrase, is that we do not have a plan. If we take this vacation, there will be many malignancies that we can read with some peor ”, commented a couple of weeks ago, in an interview with the digital magazine The intercept. “Debe haber un traspaso de poder”, dijo, pero los liders del party, a su juicio, han pasado muchos años “sin preparar de veras un unne nu Generation de liders”.

The Capitol’s media edited in the last years, for the first Democratic rallies that accompanied Pelosi in the Chamber of Deputies his son Steny Hoyer, 81 years old, as leader of the Mayor of the Chamber of Deputies, and Jim Clyburn, 80, the political influencer of Carolina del Sur who owns whip (látigo), es decir, elargado de velar por la discipline of the party. The leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, has 70 years and the Republicans, Mitch McConnell, 78. The same, on the other hand, the president-elect, Joe Biden.

Si este domingo sell confirmed, la speaker affronts a complicated legislature. The Democrats have retained control of the Chamber of Representatives, but with the most debilitating mayor in decades, and with the internal pressure of the party’s most progressive legislators, who are demanding a vote on universal health or the difficult climate crisis. consensus. “The Camera is extraordinarily complex and I am not prepared,” Ocasio-Cortez admitted in the interview, describing the possibility of aspiring to this post in the courtyard. “I can not see if I can do this work,” he added.

The relationship between Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez, both icons of the female political power in the United States, has passed through valleys and peaks, also some nightmares, and reflects the ideological and generational pulse of a democratically diverse family with problems .

Nancy Pelosi jumped into the electoral arena in the early years, but she has been involved in politics since her birth. It was Thomas D’Alesandro’s wife, Baltimore’s congressman and alcalde who was also strong enough to be governor. She launched her public career from California, got into trouble with financier Paul Pelosi, and went on to chair the Democratic Party of this great liberal bastion. With only four decades of experience in the Washington jungle, you have the disadvantage of admitting to the ability to mediate time and make good progress.

Ocasio-Cortez saw a revolution. In the spring of 2018, a 28-year-old girl who worked as a camaraderie only a few months ago, arrived at the primaries of the Bronx-Queens district and a Democrat, Joseph Crowley, who was new to the scan and multiplied by 10 Economic resources and, in November, won the election. Converts to the congressman maven joven en llegar al Congreso y en una verdadera strella de rock de la política: electrizante en las sessiones parlamentarias, brillante en las redes sociales en defensora del socialism in un pais que asocia este termin al communismo.

Authority and empathy

With Ocasio-Cortez and his “squadron”, the sovereign of the four young women progressing that made their debut in the Capitol ten years ago, Pelosi kept them more and less. Corrieron ríos de tinta, for example, when the veteran drew the real power of that hornada and reduced it to a Twitter phenomenon. In the last instance, no matter, he maintained the discipline of the party these two years explosively, with accusation inclusion. The image of the President of the Chamber of Deputies raging with dismay at the speeches of Trump in the speech of the state of the Union, last February, quadrupled in history as a symbol of the political hostility of this time. As an example of authority, what the gesture is with what the mandate calls on the Democrats who will applaud and celebrate the vote to launch the political juice against the president, a grave and solemn moment. And there is no discussion about the ability he has shown to succeed Trump from his side.

In the 2019 vote, Pelosi will face 15 Democrats. Of those, each has lost his scores. The effects of the pandemic are increasing in the near future, as Virginia Congresswoman Gerry Connolly told CNN, “I am very aware of the debilitating majority and if anything, I will count” votes. “I have a feeling that we should not allow our time to fall over the Presidency of the Chamber,” Connelly added. Hooi fuego amigo against Pelosi. His house in San Francisco was attacked by a midwife on Saturday. Phrases like “Cancel the rent” —in reference to a moratorium on the payment of alcoves for the crisis — or “We will all die” appear black in the doorway of his garage. In the sun, the cave of a deer is dejaron.

Generational and ideological tensions — among the most centrist and quirky sides of the party — have also caught up with Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Speaking of elections, at the suggestion of supremacy in the House of Representatives, Obama called for “rapid” slogans such as “Recording funds for the police”, defended by the squabbling sectors throughout the protest police brutality. “At the moment when it’s said, pierdes much public, it’s much less likely to concede the changes that pretend”, said in an interview, and added: “The key question that we decide is: ‘¿Quieres conseguir que do you like it or do you prefer to feel comfortable with the person you already agree with? ”. Recipient of the Congress of Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar, a Muslim of Somali origin and a member of this “progressive” squadron, and Cori Bush, recently elected Congregation of Missouri, among others. “It is not a slogan, it is a mandate to maintain our people with life. With that respect, Mr. President, we will have to wait for our people, ”Bush said.

Aun asi, in this polemical intervention, Obama also advertises attention and space for the new generations and lamentation, for example, that the Democratic convention of this vernacular, when crowned Biden and Harris as candidates, said with little protagonism Alexy influy -Cortez.

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