Pelosi affirms that Trump could be involved in the killings by the Capitol

The President of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has stated that the President-in-Office, Donald Trump, will be involved in the deadly deaths during the Capitol strike that will pay off five mortals.

In an interview with MSNBC, Pelosi repeatedly called Trump’s paper to incite violence in the stories of January 6 and underlined that the President’s speeches are “important”, referring to his allegations of electoral fraud and his messages urging to “save America” ​​in the discourse he shared with his followers in an act one hour before the incident.

“They use their words to read this,” he lamented, adding that if members of the Congregation were to cooperate with the supporters, as well as those like Trump, he would be complicit in the crimes committed today in the Capitol.

“The crimes, in some cases, have been committed,” Pelosi said, insisting that Trump was serious about his crime because “he instigated the insurgency that caused death and destruction.”

These statements by the President’s Chamber of Deputies are the most recent moment emitted by any representative of the Democratic Party on Trump’s paper in Washington’s speech last week confirming the victory of incumbent President Joe Biden. .

Geen hindernis, various officials have stated that they are investigating the Trump figure and the protests and the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnel, has ensured that the president “provoked” the incidents. “They are provoked by the president and other powerful people,” he said.

The White House has not yet commented on Pelosi’s statements, which have been made before Biden’s position and when the Senate prepares to celebrate a new political (‘impeachment’) deal against Trump for “inciting the insurrección “, vrag marked in the asalto to the Capitol.
