Película Plantados is trained in La Habana and in Miami

| 13/03/2021 – 07:03 (GMT-4)

The movie Plantados, of the Cuban director Lilo Vilaplana, the official manner in which these celebrations take place in La Habana, Miami as part of the activities of the Cine Festival will take place in Florida.

“There is a culture and the Patria”, said by the Cuban capital the expressive politician Ángel Santiesteban, one of the guarantors of the metrology, lies that a group of activists organize the train.

Santiesteban recorded that thanks to the authorization of the producers, the audiovisual material could be disclosed in all of Cuba and therefore “remove the censorship”.

“I believe that this film will help you to open your eyes, to have a conscience, to think. I believe that there is a teaching for the most important proposals, which we have in this space and will not reprimand the citizens who have the freedom for Cuba”, ag Santiesteban.

For his part, the director of the film, Vilaplana, mentioned the channel Telemundo 51 thanks to the support of Cuban opponents and activists on various points of national geography may be disputed by the material, that the vivacities of various political policies of Cuba that decide to “plant” and the work regime forced to do so sometimes a Reeducation Plan.

Some of the protagonists of these watercolors, who inspired the film, were invited to the stage in Miami and unveiled the importance of an audiovisual work of this type.

“We are hoping for the time being for the victim that we are taking the political steps in Cuba and for the world to enter where we are going,” he said.

For its part, some of the young actors who would live to see the characters of Plantados mention that with this type of work they can help tell a part of the story that is “malcontó” in the island.

From the 5th of March the Cine de Miami festival will take place, certamen will train the audiovisual material, which will be projected on the cines of the United States from the nearest 26.

In declarations to CiberCuba, the director Lilo Vilaplana However, this project is not yet available, so it will be repaired with a sailing ship with different expressions and the Cuban emperor Leopoldo Fernández Pujals, sobrino of José Pujals Mederos, who completed 27 years of political imprisonment.

“Many intentions to tell in a film his experience as planted plants,” Vilaplana confessed. “The guion has no place to dwell on in the anecdote, we have to update the conflict, according to the story that Plantados puts up in the news, in Miami, a former politically reconciled, casually, to one of the officials who tortured in the presidency “Decision follows and commences in its internal war a fierce debate between vengeance and justice, while in retrospect we know the successes that mark the political presidency, focused on the history of the plantations in the Cuban political presidency”.

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