Pelea de Meghan Markle with Kate and William comenzó from Nottingham Cottage

Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle

Meghan has no support for living in a less fortunate place that Kate Middleton and Prince William live in.

Kate Middleton’s lawsuits and William’s principle with Meghan Markle are based on a principle.

According to the information that halls are floating, the differences between the actresses and the dukes of Cambridge will be commemorated during the time of the principle of Harry in Nottingham Cottage, with the Palace of Kensington.

And the documentary Channel 5, Meghan and Harry: Two Troubled Years, the author of the real Tom Quinn and the tensions of comenzaron cuando el duque en la duquesa de Sussex se mudaron a una pequeña casa and Nottingham and the comparison with the house más grande de William y Kate.

Nottingham Cottage is located on the grounds of Kensington Palace, and is quite small. It was reduced compared to the huge double apartment that Kate and William had, ”he said.

“If the signal in terms of inequality that is not in the best property, because it occupies William and Kate. Inevitably, it generates friction, ”he continued.

“In Meghan’s world, if it’s decided enough, you can go to bed. Pero Meghan can not lie to the cima without importing what he wants, ”said Quinn.
