Pedro Troglio: ‘Me voy feliz, quería ser champion, pero ahora a star con la frente en alto’ – Diez

The Olympics of Pedro Troglio volvoí tropezar in a semifinal of Liga de Concacaf against a team tico, the habit passed in 2019 with Saprissa and now in 2021 with Alajuelense who died with the men vacations in the penalty area 5-4 after empathetic without goals in 90 minutes.

The Olympic trainer was saddened by the elimination, but complained about it to some of his footballers, resulting in the physical crime committed in the last two months he played 19 games in 58 days, according to his report.


Troglio added a comment about how he received the news from footballers Javier Portillo and Edrick Menjívar positive animals in a coronavirus PCR test that automatically detects the game.

What dijo did the many have been able to eliminate?
They appreciate what he says. Hoy culminated with the party 19 and had an impressive effort, nothing to reproach. Hicieron un buen juego, merecieron mucho más; we smoke on penalties and we do not have the ability (to win), but we hiccup a victim while each three days and around teams that descansan, that esperan and our reciben cansados, me saco el sombrero paros estos chicos.

Do you want to read more about the penalties or just want to know more about them?
Be that as it may, more. We will learn the best situations, we will have more of the peli keeping in mind that it is a team that comes to descend, but thanks to no merits, hay that make the goals and in the penalties we will have the bad luck to fall one.

What did the final step lead to?
The act of coming the encaramos, the pressure in all the cancha, the determination with which the hicieron. If there are any problems that one day before coming to the stadium we enter that many of the others (Samuel Córdoba and Ever Alvarado) do not play, we love them because we describe the idea, we are very proud that we are in the end .

Is the situation of the players who have a positive influence on the state of the disease?
Hicimos los studios et lunes y hoy en el desayuno nos enteramos que hay dos positos, lamentablemente nos avisaron que los que habían estado in contact con ellos no podían jugar, nos faltaron cinco jugadores, no se debía haber jugado, pero se hizo y aco we are.

How is Harold Fonseca, logró hablar con él?
There is no such thing as deci, he fui a abrazar, is a great penal executor, we are always the ones in training and he is one of the ones who has the most hace, the preguntamos and staba decided and tuva the drop of failure, no hay que decir, más que abrazarlo y levantarle elánimo porque hizo un buen partido.

What value does this car group have when it comes to life?
As we were at the top of the Champions League, the local league and this tournament, we are with the vacant men who have a lot of mercy for more, but I agree with what he gave and he is the only club in the world he has played so many times, he has 19 games in 58 days, is a lot of places. Me voy feliz, hubiese querido salir kampeón, pero ahora a estar con la frente en alto.

What analysis does football and hodureño have?
It has an interesting parity, a similar level, its two of the best selections in Central America, but it is noted that it is a good state of the game camps and it transmits a lot faster and our venomous terrain, clearly it is , but it’s what he noted.
