Pedro Troglio affirms that he does not know the solicitation of Olympia to suspend classic ante Motagua – Diez

The Olympic Technician, Pedro Troglio, dio la cara y habló de la derrota 2-1 for UPNFM, a result that dies on the album without inviction and with the leader at his disposal.

“In the first time we will not be well and with a peeling parade will mark the marker. In the second part when salimos will be found with the second goal. en rueda de prensa.

What was saved by his team? “The victim. When we lose, I’m not satisfied, I can not blame anyone for the players. In some cases, in the halls, the goals are erroneous, we just want to find miles of mistakes of the players we do not have. Simply we will have a bad time “By definition, it pays with the dues and a parade parades us hiccuping the goals. We never believe that we will win all the parties, even if we think we have to lose and now have to prepare for what comes”, he said.

Troglio does not consider the team part of his team to be out of action.

“Para nada. A team that has a goal or ten goals in the arc, that generates opportunities and has no meti, mal is not a paté in the arc and that has hagan 20 remates. “Pero al fallar las ocasiones les resultado es equivo. El team intentio y ne estuvimos finos. Son cosas que pasan, a veces hay equipos que te dominan y no ganan y como hoy que erras mucho”.

For the last time, ‘t Trogio le consultaron about the classic ante Motagua programmed for the Saturday and the solicitation of suspension to have four players in the Selection Sub-23.

The account he did not have at the time of writing that the club was sent to the National League.

“I did not choose anything. If we have four players in the selection and three lesions like Eddie Hernández, Yustin Arboleda y Always Alvarado. Pero nee hy escuchado nada. We did not analyze any of these possibilities. If it is difficult to prepare for a classic when the other rival does not have to play, one has to taste and the other does not play. “But with clarity we will see what happens to these days,” he said.
