Pedro Troglio a Vargas: ‘I’m sorry to have you and me at the Olympics, hay that I have codes’ – Diez

Olympia no pudo ante Marathon, who will be the champion of the leagues and will secure a final in the Tournament Aperture of the National League.

In the final of the compromise, hubo bronca between the footballers of Olympia y Marathon. Pedro Troglio shoot hard against Hector Vargas, congratulations to the players of the ver for the consequence.

What is not alive: The bronze of Troglio and bronca between players in the National

“I am happy with the work of the many, we represent him as he hopes, lamentably with our alcanzo in the margin of goals, who congratulate the marathon players on the log that he held, the value that he was well supported Congratulations, and when it comes to the scheme, we believe that our four will play our Tigers and they will hope for the future, as the technique of Marathon había dicho que nosotros jugamos metidos atra alá en la burbuja, bueno ahora ellos fueron quienes pasaron metidos atrás, no pasaron de la mitad de la cancha, hicieron tiempo, estu bueno que aprendieran de nosotros y les ha resultado. “I would like to congratulate the players, they are proud, they have a great love and they have won this opportunity to play a final”, were the first words of Troglio.

And follow with the conclusions of the game: “We must concretize the goal, we will have many occasions, we will cover the five very clear situations, if we concretely, if we are very happy before the party can score another goal. the satisfaction that the hiccup players all had to say that they were the ones who had the alma mater, he corrected them as locos “, explained Troglio.

Posteriorly, the Argentine coach of Olympia strongly criticized the form in which the rehearsals and group finals were programmed.

“Because we have a constructive critique, not understanding why the repeats are being played when we are in the Burbuja, for me there is a lack of respect, our parties are convinced that they have been judged on our part because Marathon to play a semifinal against teams that are descending, there is a lack of respect.También me parece un locura haber jugado un final tris días despute ante Marathon, we came from the Burbuja, and so the pass to Motagua took place this year when the final match was played against Saprissa and in the middle of the match our part was played by the Pentagon. Creo que aartir de ahora, see Marathón, Olympia, Motagua, Spain, Honduras Progress, it is not normal to play three days ago, three days were able to represent your country, I have a place, we do not have only this, I think it is badly organized in this sense “, dijo Pedro Troglio.

Molesto con Vargas

Pedro Troglio it is clear that there is no molestation of his part with all the Marathón technical team, since the bronze is only with Hector Vargas.

“Estuvo hablando de nosotros, vamos a jugar a un burbuja y opina de Olimpia todo mal, hoy jugaste metido todo atras yv hablás de nosotros, que tuvimos que haber salido a jugar, después empiezas a discutir y me recordas que un dia me comí siete goles en un classic, yo le recorde que se comió 12 in un partido contra de mexicanos. Estoy kansado de que hable de mi, de mi equipo, no aguanto más, yo tengo códigos y creo que el no los tuvo, vos no podés always have Olympia, all against the Olympia. I have another day, in Marathon yo le di la mano y había hablado de nosotros, ya me cansé, atrás nuestro un conductor Marathon, the same sign that our insulto in all the party all, hoy otra vez the same conduct wine to insultarnos, to me, yo nunca dije nada, entonces is not normal. “I’m sorry, my respect for Hector, but personally I’m fine, because I’re always happy, I’ll congratulate the players who passed the llave, ‘they did not defend themselves, defend and pass,'” Troglio remarked.

Y agrega: “Yo estoy podrido de que hable de mí y del Olympia, lo yo hago está todo mal, pará hermano, tenés que tener códigos, basta de hablar de mí, hablá de vos, hablá de tu equipo, no hables de mí, me haces eso de que me comi siete goles, si es cierto , pero vos te comiste 12, es así el fútbol y te vas a comer 20 algún día ya lo mejor vas a perder una finale, hay que tener respeto entre colegas, yo siempre hablo bien de Motagua, de Diego Vázquez, de él, de Marathon, ya me cansé, hablo bien de los jugadores, estuvieron bien, perdieron tiempo, la tiraron, está perfecto, yo no me quejo de esas cosas porque yo las he hecho también, me quejo uniquamente de la boquilla, basta, no hables más de me, if you classify in a semifinal you congratulate, no lo lograstes vos, pero lo logré yo y ojalá mañana lo logres vos, te voy a felicitar, está muy mal eso y me pasa acá, porke yo siempre he tirado flores a mis dos colegas argentinos ”.

And to close the theme, launch one of the periodicals. “If it’s you, it’s what it’s, I’m generally not happy with the counterattacks, but I’m tired of being demased. There’s no football bad, there’s no way to be between the four best Concacaf y the vase to search the boca a alguien que sabes que va a decir algo, no le preguntes viejo, vas a producer para el soccer hondureño, es un orgullo para el de futur hondurño, no ir a buscar a quien va a tirar mierda. Hay una If you are working hard, this is not the end of the day, this match will take place within one month, we will play in order to reach the final, we will play, and against a team I will definitely have a hard time “.
