Pedro Pierluisi said that his first 100 mandate days would be “active”

The governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, stated that these are the first 100 days of his mandate to be active and adelanto the company of new executive orders

“It is worth noting that these 100 days are very active. It is called a lunar meal that is received by any governing body and it has to be approved intensively ”, said the first executive.

On Saturday, at the time of the trial, Pierluisi firm of its executive orders, between which a mandate was appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Health, Carlos Mellado, to design a strategy for the massive administration of COVID-19, as well as to order the Justice and Public Security Departments to establish co-operation agreements with federal agencies to combat corruption and to prohibit the posting of his official photo in governmental dispensations.

Although there is no further involvement of the public, Pierluisi has been awaiting the jury of the Washington Commissioner, Jenniffer González, and participated in a virtual transmission, where – among other costs – the Federal anecdotal department.

On his agenda, he said that his work team will ensure that the administration of the new President of the United States, Joe Biden, “treats us with equality”. “We insure that we do not have the requisites and bureaucratic traits that we do not have the states that provide additional assistance to combat the pandemic,” he said.

Sustuvo que su meta es que al finale del cuatrienio el pueblo “vea” y “palpe” la obra y por ell la importancia de su program par est primeros 100 días. “What is the difference, that everything, entones, we connect a new Puerto Rico with a solid infrastructure and approve everything in infrastructure to boost economic development” signal to aggregate that support the commission in its management to increase pharmaceutical activity in the island.

In addition to traveling to Washington on the 20th of January to attend the inauguration of the Biden administration, an occasion to attend to visit congressmen. His plan, dijo, is to travel one time to the Federal Capital. “In these trips my agenda will be on Jenniffer’s agenda … you can consult Jenniffer’s agenda to see if there are any such issues that we strategically consider that are ours,” he told the Salon del Trono
