Pedro Pierluisi decrees three days of duel over the assignment of three police officers

Governor Pedro Pierluisi decreed today, March, three days of a duel in memory of the three police officers who were assigned to stay together with his deber in Carolina.

The state police Luis Marrero Díaz, and the municipal officials of Carolina Luis Salamán Conde and Eliezer Hernández Cartagena murieron in the hospital have received various bales of impact during a persecution.

“We deeply lament the pain that the families of these three heroes are subjected to, that they will be cared for while accompanying him with the need to protect the life of all in our Isla. These acts of violence and abuse in life can not have the space in Puerto Rico that we desire. He decreed three days of duel in memory and honor of our valiant policies that will lose his life. To all his relatives, I show solidarity and my feelings towards the fortress and the council that is needed in these moments. Our people will enter the party of Luis Marrero, Luis Salamán and Eliezer Hernández ”, Pierluisi demonstrated in written statements.

The executor added that instructions in order to be diligent with the investigation of this crime which, in addition, led to a quasi-police policy.

“He gave instructions that acted diligently with all the investigation so that those in charge carried it all the way to Ley.” In our policies we increase our valence and dedication to sell all the days’ n verdediger al pueblo arriesgando su vida. I am compromised by working in an urgent manner to empower and burn more resources to our uniform ”, acotó.

The persecution that the officers lost their lives took place on the avenue Baldorioty de Castro at the height of the condominium Mundo Feliz, in Isla Verde.

Authorities indicate that the police pursued a car Hyundai Accent, white color, when a man allegedly appeared against them and flew to the fugue. The car was found without its conductor in the residential Luis Llorens Torres.

Without embarrassment, the authorities continue in the residential area on the day of the day before the care of the caregiver. In the meantime, agents of the San Juan Criminal Investigation Corps are permanently on San José Street, intersecting with the Muñoz Rivera Avenue, in Santurce, where they will find the body of a man with “similar characteristics” in the case of the police.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, Engels), too, is united in its support for the investigation of this crime This scene is an extension of the Carolina Command, near the Embassy Suites hotel and the Luis Llorens Torres residence.
