Pedro Pierluisi aspires to the times of political polarization that end with the presidency of Joe Biden

Washington DC– Puerto Rican authorities have come to terms with the renewed optimism of the governing body in the United States.

In a statement, Governor Pedro Pierluisi – who assisted in the ceremony – indicated that Joe Biden’s jury as president in Kamala Harris as vice president “Represents the end of polarization times”. “I must record the entire leadership of the United States governing body that we have a treaty worthy of American citizens,” he said.

Washington’s Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez, for his part, stated that in the midst of the pandemic and after the insurgency act against the Congress, a unifying message was unanimous with President Biden.

“We have a message of unity, of a vision of respect, but with the willingness to work in harmony. A message of sanction and search for consensus, appropriate to the moment we are living“Dijo, in addition to addressing the Republican presence as President George W. Bush, the leaders of this Senate party, Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), and the Chamber of Deputies, Kevin McCarthy (California) and speaker Paul Ryan.

A González states the extraordinary exception that he has a female vice president, with the assassination of Kamala Harris in the number of the governor of the United States, and that of the boroughs, the associate of the Supreme Court of the United States, Sonia Protestant Sonia the investment. Sotomayor took Harris’s judgment.

Mientras, the President of the Chamber of Representatives of Puerto Rico, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández Montañez, gave a speech between the legislative leader of the island and the governor Pierluisi, by being Democrats, with the Casa Blanca. Hernández Montañez was co-chair of the Biden Electoral Committee in Isla.

“If the 50% of Joe Biden’s promises are mixed with radical changes,” said the cameral president, referring to those who support the operation of the Promise, access to the island of the Supplementary Infringement Security Program ( SSI) and a winning status process with representation of all parties.

Governor Pierluisi, Hernández Montañez and the González Commissioner advocated because Biden initiated his mandate retracting the impeachment of Donald Trump’s governor by the decision of the Federal Circuit of Federal Appeals to open the door to the residents of Puerto Rico. González says he has sent a Biden card to make this advertisement.

Map of Biden

González’s commission sent a card to President Biden receiving the mediated return of the appeal presented by Trump’s governor before the United States Supreme Court in the Vaello Madero case to impede the access of Puerto Rican residents to SSI. “Of all the disasters that afflict the ‘Americans’ who live in the territories, there is no one more extreme than the assistance available to the most vulnerable citizens,” Gónzález said.

The SSI has an impact on the amount of $ 1,800 million and becomes a persona de la tercera edad de escasos recursos, y adultos y menores de edad with disapacidad.

Hernández Montañez – who traveled to Washington DC for the occasion – expressed himself in favor of Biden’s promise to raise $ 15 at the federal minimum wage, even if the island’s leadership was to help them traders through the means of financing and reforms in the area of ​​permits.

The borough Democrats are also expressing satisfaction with the new government and the end of Donald Trump’s quarters.

‘Hay very hooker. We celebrate today and we will work ”, indicates Nydia Velázquez (New York), to read a summary of President Biden’s immediate agenda, as well as the reform of immigration laws, extending the moratorium on living conditions, in the face of student prestige, demanding it of mascarillas in federal property and regress to the United States in the World Health Organization.

Velázquez was standing on the main balcony of the Sotomayor associate court.

Congressman Ritchie Torres (New York) – in front of the eyes of the white supremacist groups, as reconciled by President Biden-, also addressed the importance of the governing body, but said in the NY1 issue that we would like to have living with extremist violence as a reality in state politics ”.

“We are commemorating a new era in the history of our nation. See President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris take over the jurisdiction of his cargo is a key recorder that hope is on the way to Casa Blanca, ”said Darren Soto (Florida).

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez also called for “creating justice, sanitizing our planet and improving the conditions of all people.”
