Paz Aguerdos, a historical hit to celebrate and defend | El Salvador News

The Diary of Hoy sums up the commemoration of the anniversary of one of the most important hits and that the abbey opened to build democracy and freedom.

29 years ago, less than a day ago, the silence of the firefighters took place and so it was nothing. For a country that has vivid representation, political violence, persecution of dissent and through the political and economic system has been designed to avoid significant reforms and call oppositions, take the page of the belligerent confrontation and become important in the future.

On January 16, 1992, in the Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City, the republics of a republic were housed in differentiated, political and civilized ways.

Advances and retreats

As is natural in any human process, especially one that involves a society and its political future, there has never been a constant advance on mayoral democracy and freedom.

During this period, in which he was governed by three different party banners and with different visions, El Salvador experimented with corruption, abuse of power, nepotism and power visions that emulated the prevalent years of armed conflict.

Special: Rostros and Voices of Conflict

To attribute these vicissitudes to the Agreements of Peace is an act of historical mysticism, ignorance or complete malice, when they generate an institutional tram that seeks to prevent and curb these excesses.

If well, there are setbacks in the democracy that are being pursued, the bases that are being allowed in the Paz Accords have been allowed, among other things, that these political differences have not been resolved in the old usage: using the repression, the sequels, the torture and disappearances as methods of pressure or daily political herramination.

That a salvadore will find with research articles that contain evidence of corruption of past administrations or present the significant advancement of the freedom of the press and the Independent periodism, pillars of a democracy and allow it to pay in impuestos.

What a periodical can make difficult and inconvenient questions to a governor and does not appear in these days is a sign that the company of the tan ansiada Paz has served the city to be more informed, empowered and able to take best decisions.

That a group of citizens is protesting against what appears to be a maneuvering of public appeals and is not met with the increase in repression is a clear signal that in 1992 there will be no more! to political violence.

The price of olvido and impunity

As the security forces deban someterse to civil power and respect the human rights lucía impensable hace tres decades and hoy is a characteristic not negotiable.

That the governing bodies are not inconceivable is a fundamental conquest of the Peace Accords.

Politics is always indignant at the citizen. But before the agreement was reached in Chapultepec, the options for organizing and expressing a discount were limited and very difficult. An ineligible log of the peace is the faculty to contest the indictment with inconvenience to the governors.

There are reports and periodicals, with pacifist protests on different platforms or to activate the institutional support and the controls on power, since 1992 the salvadorans can demand the power that makes money, from explanations and transparency to the use of public funds.

If these advances are, therefore, insensitive or motivated by perverted pretensions.

What was the peace?

The Pace Agreements do not equate to golfing a terminated pawn, and automatically better and more likely than the other day.

What permits is to generate the platforms for which the salvadoreños pudiesen discuss what type of querien paisir construir. Discuss, do not dictate or force, much less with the false “eloquence” that the tener has the arms of the governor’s lad.

“The Peace Accords of Paz do not make a fuss or make a farce”, academic dicen and political leaders in Bukele

El Salvador is a place to be. The economic advancement opportunities are significant. Violence follows the miles of compatriots with days and forces to displacement or migration to other places. Public appeals are gaining traction as a bank discriminating against women governing.

But these are not problems of having company the peace. On the other hand, the advances it has made are significant and significant, given that the country that specified the plumbing truck in 1992 and did not dismantle the significant democratic process launched from that moment on.

The Paz Accords firm has not seen a “final story” sign of a construction in which all can and must be protagonists, participating, activating the institutions and including the power.

Pretend now that this historical process is very painful. Take away the value of the professional and apolitical security forces, renegotiate the political pluralism and pretend that there are “official votes”, silence the press and appeal to the Paz Accords only can respond and want to start a “new” story in fact evoked the most obscure and cavernous past of repression and abuse of power.
