Pausa su facet como abogado | Scenario

Through 12 years of litigation in court, Raúl Carbonell, he, he fully dedicated himself to the camp of entertainment, as an actor, singer, composer and writer.

“Because I thank God I am active, I have great ideas and I have created them. It’s created and made public that I support it, “the artist indicated.

In the aspect of the laws, there is another year of immigration law in the state of Florida.

“I am dedicated to the creative part, writing, composing music, and what I like. Pause the active litigation, but keep up the good work. Any time you can help Pais through his affidavits, present “, afirmó a THE VOCERO.

Its current benefit initiative is the sale of mascarillas with the image and popular phrases of its characters. These are: Papo Swing (“Ahhh, who shows!”), Israel (“Are you going to follow?”), El Veterano (“Run and complete control!”) And Pupe (“Beber y que se jo … ”). The taxes will be donated to the Puerto Rican Community Fund. Contact by telephone (787-508-3300) at Ticket Center.

“It is a foundation that identifies other institutions with finesse and distributes funds in different forms. If it is interesting that this mode of operation and more with institutions that have tenants, about everything, with this situation of Covid-19 “, communiqué about the foundation.

On the other hand, Carbonell continues with the development of various projects.

In addition to being in Puerto Rico filming a movie (as an actor), I was in the English translation process of my first novel, titled Rescate en el Caribe, which was also in Spanish and we are hoping to translate it into two idioms. ”, Mencionó.

It’s a historical novel of adventure, “we would like to find in a movie series, I would prefer (first) to make a novel”. Relate the rescu that hizo the captain of mega cruiser Tomás Busto, after the hurricanes Maria, Irma and José, in Puerto Rico, Saint Thomas, Saint Croix and Saint Martin.

Además, afina el rodaje del film que escribió hace cuatro años, titledo Frankie Aquavella o El fantasma del swing.

“It’s drama, musical, comedy, adventure. It’s a very interesting story from a New York song, from the finals of the 80s. It’s not true. It’s contemplating that I’m the protagonist. If he has various intentions of saccharine and hope that this year can be done “, indicates the también interpreter of the salsa El coyote, first of all what will be his new disco.

On the other hand, the abbot also spoke out against the attacks on the United States Capitol by President Donald Trump.

“Es klaaglik, triste y bochornoso lo que ha pasado. There is a lot of agreement with the current president and others who do not like him. Being pressured in a way that conforms to the processes … If the respect for institutions is maintained, there is chaos and anarchy, ”he says.
