Paulo Coelho: El mundo según Einstein | Columnists | La Revista

Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) was a theoretical physicist, philosopher, and author who was considered one of the most influential and knowledgeable scientists and intellectuals of all time. Hoy se recuerdan 66 años de su falecimiento y recojo algunas phrases de este genio de los siglos XIX y XX, conocido principally par el desarrollo de la theory de la relativity y la theoretical theory of the brownian motion and the photoelectric effect.

– “No intentions of converting into a gay man, better converting into a gay man”.

– “A man should look for what he is and not what he should look for”.

– “Anything intelligent can make the biggest and most complex things. It takes a lot of genius and a lot of courage to change direction ”.

– “Everything must be the most simple, but not the simplest”.

– “Tienes que aprender las reglas del juego y luego tienes que jugar mejor que nadie”.

– “All religions, arts and sciences are within the framework of the same year”.

– “As for me, I prefer the vision to the ostentatious virtue”.

– “The world religion is the life world, living with all the alms, with all its bondage and justice”.

– “The great minds are always confronted with the violent opposition of mediocre minds”.

– “The common sense is the conjunction of prejudices that have accumulated since 18 years”.

– “Dominate heroism, violence without feeling and kill all the dead bodies that together with the number of patriotism: the audio with so much passion!”

– “The camera blends soundly into the sound of the music in the file and has been despised by me. The animal has a large cerebro due to error, only because the spinal medium is sufficient ”.

– “These things are infinite, the universe and the stupid human; and there is no guarantee of the universe ”.

– “No tengo ningún talento special. Solo soya apasionadamente curioso ”.

– “It is not that you are intelligent; it’s just me with the most problematic problems ”.

– “Any man who can behave with security while having a chic quality simply does not give it much attention.”

– “The imagination is all there. Is the preview preview of the proximity of the vida. Imagination is more important than knowledge ”.

– “A person who never committed an error never intended anything new”.

– “Never think of the future, read it enough soon”.

– “It is not sought to be an exit, it is to be valued”.

– “Locura: make it different and have a different time and hope for different results”.

– “The information is not known. The only source of knowledge is experience ”. (O)
