Paulina Rubio receives antiquated vaccine while equipping herself to apply

Este viernes, Paulina Rubio dio de qué hablar en redes sociales luego de que la cantante intentara vacuum against the Covid-19.

Although in United States it is easy to get rid of the existing vacancy many places to realize, cabe mention that the patient need to make one quote for avoid agglomerations y tener un control.

Paulina Rubio stayed at a place in the United States, pais at the residence, where he was supposed to receive his vacancy, without embarrassing the singer is confounded y acudió a un lugar que no le correspondía agree that she elighio at the moment to make her quote for the vacancy.

paulina rubio is confounded with antiquated and is now vaccinated

Medios report that assistant of the song of 49 years old habria hecho la file in your place, by which to turn the turn, the chanting appears around the informaron what is pharmacy CVS does not correspond, that his quote is this day and his hour but no en ese lugar.

According to testigos, ‘La Chica Dorada’ se fue furious del lugar para trasladarse to what really le tocaba.

I received the vacancy:

Moments later, the singer posted a video in what it is possible to see receiving la first dose of the vacuna anticovid in order to discover the brazio, let alone the leashes and the procedure of inoculation; behind the pusieron a park and Paulina Rubio is shown happy por fin fin haber recibido su dosis through the confusion.

paulina rubio is confounded with antiquated and is now vaccinated
