Paulina Rubio deudas fisco crisis finance money problems

Pesar de haber cerrado 2020 with a new victory in the legal battle that will take place with his ex Nicolás Colate Vallejo- Nágera, by the custodia of his hijo, this year he seems to be well for Paulina Rubio.

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There is a large version of the version Chica Dorada staring at an economic crisis due to the pandemic, the cabbage moth killed its prey during the concerts and presentations in vivo.

paulina rubio Instagram

Agree with the program Ventaneando, information that has also been confirmed ABC with access to Judicial documents, the artist accumulates multiple deudas by the tax on taxes of his Miami mansion that ascienden a $ 100 million, cantidad que iría en aumento si no paid de mediateato.

Following the revelation of the program, the song did not appear in the current context of the compromise paid by the concept of “Annual Taxes” of the residence.

The property that Paulina Rubio compares with his brothers Andrea and Eros, brothers of Colate and Gerardo Bazúa respectively, the acquisition in 1996, for each pay the figure of 520 miles only on the land. At this moment, his sentimental couple was the Spanish architect and empress Ricardo Bofil, who also was the person in charge of the design of the residence.

Paulina Rubio buy the land in the name of the company Ananda Florida Ing., the one shared with his mother, the first actress Susana Dosamantes. However, the number of inactive companies in 2015, due to the fact that at the moment, his residence passed in the name of his new company P. Blonde studos Music and art.

Además de la deuda por impuestos, la ex Timbiriche It is also in legal process with a company that has already had to pay some of its credit cards, up to $ 24 million to $ 500.

Sumado a ello, Paulina has lost a large part of its entrants in the payment of fees to the law firm which represents in the case with its ex. Cabe destacar that Paulina corre with all the maintenance guests of their children all that their ex does not contribute in no way.

