Paul Oquist: Fallece with covid-19 syndromes one of the principal assessors of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua | International

Paul Oquist, Assessor of President Daniel Ortega, in June 2013 during a conference in Managua on the inter-channel Canal that the Gobierno is claiming to build in Nicaragua.
Paul Oquist, Assessor of President Daniel Ortega, in June 2013 during a conference in Managua on the inter-channel Canal that the Gobierno is claiming to build in Nicaragua.Carlos Herrera

Paul Oquist Kelly, assessor and private minister for President Daniel Ortega’s National Policies, passed away on April 13 at the Military Hospital Alejandro Dávila Bolaños, in Managua, was involved in several cases involving the Intensive Care Unit. The Gobierno reconciles the death of one of the principal operators of the president through a communiqué emitting various hours later, but does not detail the cause of the bankruptcy. According to Oquist, there are 12 other Sandinista officials who have been involved in the pandemic.

Medical sources consulted by EL PAÍS ensure that Oquist murmur with clear signs of covid-19, confirming that the Ortega Administration — including the Oquist — has minimized. The cause of the “pulmonary embolism” defect, a clinical condition “common in all patients with coronavirus contagion”, according to sanitary sources. “There is a ventilator behind caused by covid-19”, the doctors explain.

“We celebrate Paul’s life, agreeing to the Lord, because our permission contradicts his special intelligence, with his brotherly vision, with his propositions of justice and rights for our people and for the people of the world; with this inexhaustible dominance of international relations, of the organisms, which are well known, and with which our relations are profound and extraordinary, ”said the communiqué signed by President Ortega and his Vice President and Speaker, Rosario Murillo.

Oquist nació in Illinois, United States, in 1943. In the finals of the year he placed his trayector in sandinismo, specifically in the revolutionary jobs that led to the dictatorial dictatorship, when he worked hard with the commander Ortega as chief minister ese entonces. Oquist played a decisive paper in the negotiations that would mark the surrender of the guerrilla war Contra, financiada and aquel entonces of Washington.

In the evening, Ortega’s derrota in the ballot boxes precedes the president Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, Oquist travels through various lands as a consultant. It was one of the experts in cabacera of the United Nations Program for Development (PNUD) in Chile in Ecuador. In 2007, when Ortega returned to the presidency, Oquist was appointed coordinator of the National Policy Council and converted into one of the most visible cars of the regime in the international arena.

In 2018, through the repression of ownership by the Govierno police and paraestal groups against the demonstrations taking place at the end of Ortega’s mandate, Oquist travels around the world denouncing the crimes of human rights denounced by national and international human rights organizations. By October 2020, the Department of Treasury will be sanctioned by “playing a key role in disseminating misinformation to cover up regime criminals and human rights abuses.”

“In numerous interviews with international English media and in meetings with foreign representatives, Oquist has defied the false narratives and propaganda of the Ortega regime. In addition, he defended the case of the Ortega at the international level with an incessant wave of mentions to accuse or justify the abuses of the regime, ”Washington urges.

Following the sanction, Ortega canceled some of the shipments that Oquist occupied, between them the member of the Junta Directive of the Nicaraguan Companies of Petroleum (PETRONIC). In the last few years, the assessor is dedicated to promoting Balance, a book of his authorship on “Philosophy and the Political Economy of Existence and Extinction”.

In May 2020, in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic and death pique, Oquist took to the Twitter account on his book to minimize the pandemic. This is in consequence of the negligent tone of the Gobierno sandinista in front of the coronavirus, which has never been declared safe to wear.

“Quarantines are for the sick, the contagious and the vulnerable of high risk, not for all and less for enterprises lasting long periods. They are formulated for individual, collective and economic depression, ”wrote Oquist. “The viral mite is the virus of context. It is not the repetition of the Spanish flu of 1918-1920. It is not the infectious disease of the sickle or the seizure of the year, ”said the presidential assessor in another step.

High staff sandinistas fallecidos por covid

With Paul Oquist, he has 12 other officers of the Governor of Ortega who failed for reasons related to covid-19. Agreed to a media investigation Divergent, the sandinist members of renombre killed by the pandemic so many now have sons: Orlando Noguera, alcalde de Masaya; Orlando Castillo Castillo, Director of the National Telecommunications Company, Telcor; Rita Fletes Zamora, Deputy Member of the FSLN; Roberto Moreira, Gobierno assessor and first deputy Wilfredo Navarro; Armando Navarrete, director of Nicaragua ante el Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica; Francisco Abea, director of the políticas side branch; Óscar Cruz, general manager of the Caruna financier; and Henry Quintanilla, Professor of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN).

Another high-ranking official caused by the coronavirus was the mythical “Commander Cero”, Edén Pastora. Como Oquist, walled in the Military Hospital on the floor destined only to treat grave cases of covid. El Gobierno, ban on sin, no repetition of su muerte debido al virus.

After the announcement of the death of Oquist, in social speeches circulated a publication of the Alcaldia of the Caribbean City of Bluefields, in many photos he has a presidential assessor with mascara next to other people during the holidays of Semana Santa. Luego de eso, Oquist acudió to Military Hospital donde agravó, fue intubado y faleció.

