Paul Bettany discusses the transition from Jarvis to Vision of MCU

Paul Bettany spoke about his MCU debut as the voice of JARVIS., And the role of Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr.’s role in transforming his character into Vision.

WandaVision Star Paul Bettany gave a tongue-in-cheek explanation of how his presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has changed from that of a disembodied voice to the form of Avengers synthozoid The Vision.

Bettany spoke to Esquire about the Disney + series and the evolution of his career. After Bettany saw a meme from his photo with the caption “AFTER 7 YEARS AND 5 MOVIES AS A COMPUTER VOICE, PAUL BETTANY FINALLY BECOMES ONE OF THE HEROES,” he exclaimed, “Oh! It’s true!”

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Bettany further explained: ‘Initially I got a job where I had to talk in a microphone for about two hours, and then everyone was very happy with me and they gave me a big sak cash! And I think so [Robert Downey Jr.] was angry about the arrangement and forced them to use me in the movies and have me show up on set. I’m not sure how it happened, but I believe it’s the story. ‘

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Bettany’s voice was in Ysterman as JARVIS, the artificial intelligence system invented by Tony Stark of Downey. JARVIS – ‘Just A Rather Very Intelligent System’ – then appeared in Iron Man 2, The Avengers and Ysterman 3. Bettany debuts on screen as Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, when Stark and Bruce Banner move JARVIS into Vision’s body after Ultron tried to eliminate him. Bettany has the role in Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War.

JARVIS is named after the butler of Stark’s family Edwin Jarvis, who appeared in Agent Carter, played by James D’Arcy.

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Source: Esquire via YouTube

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