Pau Donés invited a disfrutar cada minuto de la vida

The periodical Jordi Évole records that when Pau donated the pill that he hiccuped that was his last interview before dying of cancer, he quit in shock to know that in Jarabe de Palo’s leader the quedaba little time of life.

Prohibition of sin, and all the documentary results of esa charla y que lleva por nombre That’s what you do to me, hooi espacio para todo menos para la tristeza. Explain that, if they are both happy when they plan, in the grab there is another atmosphere that is alive.

‘No tengan has an on-documented como est. By the way, if there is one that appears to a person who is in the gates of death can be sad and very sad and the assurances that he is not, ”said Jordi Évole in an interview.

“It is a vital will that will be reconciled, enter as a fresh air of a moment like the one we live and that one sees the realization that the pen will live only to have 15 days of life. Creo que puede ser de gran ayuda in a moment like this ”, comment.

The documentary will be streamed on the Antena 3 International Channel channel next Monday at 8:30 p.m.

“It’s a guy who invites you to live, enjoy every minute of life thanks to the legacy of our Pau and his fortune. With the coyuntura in which we live the last year with death present in all latitudes, the golpe receives a message with respect to come to life and also death, a message very vitalistic ”, consider.

The interpretation of The flake bankruptcy on June 9, 2020, due to colon cancer; 15 days before he was sent to speak to Évole y, although apparently the note was debatable, the periodical signaled that he should attend the conversation so that he could live.

“It’s something he says to me: ‘I’m sorry to be here, it’s so here I am and we’ve been doing it’.

“We also decide that we will not deprive you of the time we need because we do not value the pen and it is a time loss”.
