Patty Jenkins responds to the controversial issue of Wonder Woman 1984


Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) reunited in Wonder Woman 1984.

Clay Enos / Warner Bros. Pictures


Or you love or hate Wonder Woman 1984 (which is currently being played in select theaters and is available to stream on HBO Max), one thing is for sure – Steve Trevor (played by Chris Pine) to come back from the dead is a bizarre twist.

After all, when Steve at the end of Wonder Woman Movie of 2017 – a story that takes place almost 70 years before 1984 – fans might have been confused how he not only survived his death, but also never got older.

Now Wonder Woman 1984 director Patty Jenkins defends the controversial choice to bring his character back into the life of Diana Prince / Wonder Woman for the new film.

The plot of Wonder Woman 1984 revolves around a special artifact called the Dreamstone, which has the power to give one wish to whoever has it – like the horror story concept of the mystical Monkey’s Paw. If you want something, there are always some strings attached.

After all, it was the God of lies who gave the stone its power in the first place. When the Dreamstone gives a wish, it takes the something else of the same importance. However, before Diana Prince / Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) fully understands the cunning quid pro quo nature of the stone, he wishes Steve’s return and the next day he returns.


Steve Trevor (Chirs Pine) is not in Wonder Woman 1984 what you would think.

Clay Enos / Warner Bros. Pictures

But here it’s hard in the movie. Steve is not exactly the same man she remembers from her past. In fact, Steve has basically taken over the body of someone who already exists. And he did not even get permission. Just to make it extra confusing, Steve looks like this other person to everyone else (played by actor Kristoffer Polaha).

Another very problematic point here is that if Steve is not really Steve, it means that Wonder Woman may be physically touching a stranger and not her beloved Steve. Although implied in the film, there is no real sex scene between the two characters.

The lack of permission is what has raised a lot of fans about the movie. Jenkins may just be playing with the well-known story of characters swapping bodies like in the movies Big and Freaky Friday, where permission is not given.

This plot device without a character permission has been used for decades in movies, TV shows, comics and video games, and especially in 80s entertainment. But this is an era in which that old body exchange without consent instrument might not be as politically correct as it used to be.

A fan named Dustin Philipson on Twitter joins Jenkins’ defense about the body exchange in Wonder Woman 1984 and said that it is not only a common plot tool in fiction, but also in this particular story the body exchange was “undone” when people took back their wishes.

While Jenkins offered no additional insight into the plot apparatus used in Wonder Woman 1984, she does agree with the fansweet by responding with “Hahaha. Exactly @DustyDontShoot !!”

It would have been more ideal for Jenkins to give more of her own thoughts on the body exchange device, but for now that would be an explanation for the lack of consent during body modification.

As expected, some fans responded to Jenkins’ retweet with their own theories.
