“Patria y Vida” has the same amount of dislikes as the likes of “Patria o Muerte por la Vida”

1 | 05/03/2021 – 16:39 (GMT-4)

The song “Patria y Vida”, by Yotuel, Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo and El Funky, have both the same do not like (I do not like it) on the YouTube digital platform, which like (I like) that he launched his “contraincante”, “Patria o Muerte por la Vida”.

If you visit the song by singer Yotuel Romero, where “Patria y Vida” is starred, there are more than two weeks, you can find out that the theme is more than 176,600 like frente ‘n solo 6.011 do not like, numbers recorded at the time of editing of this note.

Capture from YouTube / Yotuel

For his part “Patria o …”, trained on the account of the official portal Cubadebate, acumula 78,773 do not like with apenas 6,071 like.

Capture from YouTube / Cubadebate

This coincidence must have happened to the people who voted against ‘Patria y Vida’ were probably the same people who gave their approval to the theme of Raúl Torres, although this date has not been approved.

Some users have also been involved in comparing this competition with one of the political elections in Cuba, and are encouraging their compatriots to issue their vote as they treat themselves to the ballot papers to choose a candidate from another party.

“Updated party results of the first free elections in Cuba since 1959. Do not hesitate to vote!”, Carlos Miguel Mateos Rosaenz, a Cuban resident in Colombia, called on his Facebook wall.

In this competence nadie has dudas of whom alzará con la victoria.

The video of ‘Patria y Vida’ supero este viernes los YouTube op YouTube, with 20 miles of comments from his estrangement on the 16th of February at 7:00 pm (Miami time), during a live broadcast by the artists.

The audiovisual, grabbed between La Habana and Miami directed by the young director Asiel Babastro, was considered a freedom anthem for the Cubans inside and out of the Isla, who saw a political change that led to the end of dictatorship in his patria.

Otra suerte has corrected ‘Patria o …’, considered the peor song of 2021, according to Google.

The musical theme, produced by the Cuban regime with the intention of counteracting the ‘Patria y Vida’ initiative, since the day of its departure has generated a great deal of public outcry.

The phrase has the amount of magnitude that the periodical and official investigator Raúl Antonio Capote Fernández told his friends that dieran su apoyo dándole Soos’n ‘Patria o Muerte por la Vida’ en Youtube.

The capote of Capote in his wall of Facebook was eliminated, notwithstanding that Raúl Torres shared it on his profile, a proof that his creation was desperately needed to support his friends and followers in order to save the ridiculous.

The video clip is full of memes and burles in the social speeches on his small invoice as well as on the lyrics and music, without obviar that the viewers do not feel that his message is against the feeling of many of them.

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