“Patria o Muerte por la Vida” super 50 000 does not like a solo 48 horas de su estreno

| 03/03/2021 – 15:59 (GMT-4)

The song Patria o Muerte por la Vida, official reply to the topic Patria y Vida with Raúl Torres a la cabeza, over 50 000 do not like (no me gusta) af YouTube ‘n bruine solo 48 horas de su estreno.

From the first minutes of his launch, the song was received a mayoral right in the social networks and in the channel of the middle official Cubadebate, with mounts of do not like which aumentaban to all velocidad y la Mayoría de los comentarios eran negativos.

The small invoice of the videocilp, the letter, the interpretations and the hecho from which a response was made by the governor to a song he generated memes, burles, critiques and descriptorto.

Make Video / YouTube Cubadebate

If the government’s disproportionate reaction to a song, depicting a campaign of discredit and attacks against the artists, has led to a massive expulsion regime and poor parade in the face of the international fear, this force will be punished and its rights will be ruled.

Apart from politics, the song has received an avalanche of critics from the point of view of musical vision and realization, including goblins’ characters and artists.

‘N Pesar de the petitions of the proprietor Raúl Torres and the support of the official media, the song can only be read to the 4000 like.

Torres, who won the “necrotrovador” episode over his songs during the deaths of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, rescued a his known language vulgar and machista to defend the critics and the appalling right that he held his song.

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