‘Patón’ Mejía despises Olympia in presiding over the publicity that continues – Diez

Germán “Patón” Mejía surprise this month to announce on the Olympics after being various days negotiating its renovation.

Travels of his official account in Twitter, Patron increases the directive and the coach Pedro Troglio by the way that he han brindado.

“With much pain is that I write these lines; after 10 years in the club Olympia, I have to leave. I have the intention to search for new places, the conviction to build a better future for my family. I would like to thank God for you opportunity to belong to this institution, each member of the various technical teams that will be created in me, especially to the professor Troglio “, dijo and Twitter.

And aggregated: “For the directive enforced by the licensee Rafael Villeda, my admiration and respect. Appreciate your unconditional support. For the sake of affiliation, there is no need for this serious series, its alienation, dedication to the club, much greater compromise and desire to be the alma mater and courage of this club. Olympia is what it is for you. Bendiciones a todos, les llevo en mi corazón y espero algún día volver a esta, mi casa, ya ustedes; my family “.


These are the words that surprise the president Villeda who does not hope to hear the news and is negotiating the renovation of the albums.

Villeda le pidió a Mejía what can not be by any offer in the extraterrestrial that can be presented, hope that it is maintained in the bicampeón.

Patón Mejía was stabbed in the oystercatcher’s court after appearing as a bureaucratic judge in Houston with full Olympic competence.

“Estimated @MejiaPaton, las puertas del @CDOlimpia siguen abiertas para vos. If there is an opportunity for the foreigner to make your decision, we will not reiterate that in our institution our taste buds will follow. An abrasion “.

Además de Mejía, Olympia not renovated by the captain Always Alvarado and tampoco al volante Mayron Flores.

Patón was summoned in the second round by the Lions and previously the foreign defender José Cañete had rescinded his contract.
