Patient receives the AstraZeneca vaccine and is now in a UCI

La Haya.

If the user receives an injection of AstraZeneca, he or she will be able to stop the coagulation coagulation. Now he is lying on his head in a Dutch hospital, connected to assisted respiration. It’s the tragic story of a covid-19 patient with what Paises Bajos medics require of all available vacancies.

The abierta carte de estos sanitarios neerlandeses, accompanied by a radiography of the pulmones of his patient who has no indifferent, is directed to the Ministry of Health in functions, Hugo de Jonge, in a critique of the use of Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, and of the restrictions imposed by AstraZeneca.

“The first patient to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine through the press conference was admitted to our hospital. Oimos the trembling weight in his voice and the desperation in his eyes. The virus has been attacked and has been avoided. With his permission, we shared his pulmonary scan. No need pulmonary to reconstruct the devastation, the epidemiologist to explain the risks of not being evacuated ”, alert.

Netherlands Bais has received 80,000 doses of Janssen in hopes of a scientific recommendation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on its security and possible relationship with six cases of singular coagulation in the United States.

In addition, and after the EMA alerted a “possible angle” of AstraZeneca with dozens of very rare cases of thromboembolism in people receiving the injection, the Netherlands decided to use only 60-year-olds, a group of people showed less cases of this adverse effect.

After the debate on AstraZeneca and the divergences that he showed in European countries so as to maintain or not the vacancy with this preparation, a 42% of the mayors of 60 years without being evacuated in Netherlands rechazaron ponerse esta vacuna, segun una inqueste de I&O encargada por la television neerlandesa NOS.

The publishers of the card published this year, whose employees at the Zuyderland Medical Center, in the wake of the Pajes Bajos, were alerted that “the seriousness of the serious cause caused by the covid-19 is ten years mayor for the people of 40 years and 70 deputy mayors for the past 60 years, the risk of severe day-to-day thrombosis ”.

“Now that we have more than 3,000 coronavirus patients, we will meet with experts about the company’s repertoire to look into perspective, and we will see the consequences of this illness.”

El Executive neerlandés presented last March a plan for “reclaiming the company of responsible manners” in the following weeks and will end shortly after April 28, after the condition of control of a third of the contagious states, by lo that esta promre corre el riesgo de no poder cumplirse hasta mayo.

This plant is very much criticized by those who work on the first line against covid-19. “Employees are legitimately asked why they should continue burning attention without adequate protection, while keeping the refrigerated appliances in the refrigerator,” he said.

These medicines require the minister to “start retreating (evacuation) and provoke inquisition” and record that “the figures show that the benefits of massive evacuation are abrupt and unavoidable”.

“We hope that the people of Elijah will avoid a situation like that of our patient”, instaron, pidding him to his disposition “AstraZeneca, Janssen or any other vacancy ”and abogaron, as the parliamentary majority, by“ voluntary vacancy on the basis of informed consent ”.

In addition, as a conclusion to its map, you can use without permission the dose of AstraZeneca que tienen en la nevera en los empleados y médicos del centro hospitalar a partir del lunes, y advirtieron de que ya no “cooperarán voluntieria un conscientemente con daños evitables” a través de la vacunación.
