Patient re-infected with a South African COVID variant in serious condition

One of the first confirmed cases of re-infection with the South African coronavirus variant was reported in France in a study published on Wednesday in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

The subject of the case was a 58-year-old patient with a history of asthma, who according to the study was infected with the South African variant four months after recovering from a first episode of COVID-19.

In September last year, COVID was diagnosed in the patient after he had mild fever and shortness of breath and received a positive PCR swab test. He recovered within a few days and tested negative twice in December.

In January, about four months after initially testing positive, the patient entered the hospital with shortness of breath and fever and tested positive for the new coronavirus again. Genome sequencing found that he is now infected with the South African variant. About a week after arriving at the hospital, the patient developed severe acute respiratory distress syndrome and was intubated and placed in a ventilator.

Antibody tests found immunoglobin antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus. The patient had no evidence of any immunological disorder and was still in a critical condition when the study was presented to the journal.

The study emphasized that the first infection occurred a month before the emergence of the South African tribe, and ruled out the hypothesis that the reinfection was merely persistent viral shedding.

Previous studies have suggested that those who recover from the virus usually have immunity to re-infection for at least six months, but there are cases of re-infections, even in people with antibodies to the virus, and some cases are worse after re-infection. .

The study, published last week, stressed that further investigation is ‘urgently needed’ to determine cross-immunity between the different variants of the virus and to monitor the effectiveness of the vaccine against new variants. Initial studies have found that treatments using blood plasma from recovering patients were less effective against the South African variant, and scientists have expressed concern that the variant may be resistant to current vaccinations, although the vaccine is still considered acceptably effective, even against the different variants currently in circulation.
At the end of January, according to Ynet, it was found that an Israeli who was infected with the new coronavirus in August was infected with the South African variant again. In the Israeli case, however, the patient showed no significant symptoms and did not infect anyone else in his household with the second infection, despite the more severe symptoms with the first infection. Prof. Shai Efrati, director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center, who studied the Israeli case, believes that the antibodies of the first infection protected the patient from developing a serious case or that others with the second infected. infection, although they do not protect against carrying the virus.
