Pati Chapoy criticizes celebrities who are looking for a place in politics

Pati Chapoy it is clear that politics is not an aspiration in his career, for what received the invitation to be the candidate of a political party.

The conductor of ‘Ventaneando’ no details as to whether or not the offer was made, but it would be fair to say that we will accept a similar cargo.

“Hace poco sí, I did not see who she was, nor who she was not that person. He passed away, talking to his character (I say): ‘Oye, ¿no te gustaría ser diputada?’, commented on the program’s live broadcast.

pati chapoy

Pati Chapoy it is clear that the political aspiration is not something that will appeal to its career, by which the invitation that the hiccup in 2020 answers: “Yo le dije: ‘Por supuesto que no’ …”, and reiteró su rechazo ante cualquier propuesta rigegelijk.

‘Oee, it’s a waste of time, says the periodical of spectacles who reiterates his resignation to those famous who are looking for some political wreck in the elections next.

pati chapoy

It’s a burla. How gross are those who vote for them ”, scoring on the support that these farandula characters receive.

Cabe mentions that 2021 will be delivered to Cabo the greatest selections of history in mexico, in which 3 miles of popular elections are disputed throughout the country.
