Pastor immigrant passed away in a church. Ahora vuelve a casa

(CNN) –– A salvador immigrant passes more than three years of age in a sanctuary inside the grounds of a church in North Carolina. This viernes, finally empezó su regresso a casa.

José Chicas, 55 years old, says that the new policies of the governor of Biden will now be the opportunity to take the sanctuary. And an hope for the future.

Chicas took refuge in June 2017 inside the Conversation School, a small house on the grounds of a beautiful church in Durham, Carolina del Norte. For further information, please contact the deportation order for the year of reporting to the Immigration and Control Service (ICE, by its English seal).

“I did not know what I was talking about,” CNN said this week in a telephone interview while waiting to be sold. “I thought it would be three or four months”.

But the months are convertieron in years.

Pastor José Chicas at the entrance of the Conversion School in Durham, Carolina del Norte, in December 2018.

His family lives near Raleigh and always visits the podium. Desde sus beperk en los terrenos de la Iglesia Bautista Misionera de St. John, Chicas, the pastor, goes on to do a video and videos on Facebook and reuniones ocasionales en persona.

In his sermon, a menudo preached on the power of reasoning. Due to this, the consumption of drugs and alcohol was pushed on a light truck. One that has a condition to treat both the influence of substances and domestic abuse. Y, in the last instance, to an order of deportation, dice. Since 2002, Chicas explains that he changed.

This week marks the endorsement of Biden’s governing policies. It’s time to spend the most time with your family, visit parks and playgrounds and stay for a while.

“Va a ser un cambio hermoso”, dijo.

Biden is the only hopeful tenemos, dice immigrant 2:07

This Wednesday, a new policy of the Biden administration enters into force, blocking the Mayor of Deportations for 100 days, while officials revise the policies and guarantee “a system of justice for the right to immigration, and to ensure frontier security and public security “, according to a press release from the Department of National Security.

It’s not clear who will pass by when it comes to 100 days. Without embarrassment, Chicas says that he confesses that the new president “has a different courage from the governor who accepts iris” and that he will find a solution to help him and there are millions of other undocumented immigrants.

It is not clear if there are other immigrants who have been refugee in the saldran churches. A recent number of undocumented immigrants seeking protection in the churches during Trump’s governing body. Indeed, it acknowledges that the administration is intensifying its crackdown on illegal immigration. An ICE policy limits the agency to detain any person in “sensitive places”. Between them, schools, hospitals or places of worship. This is the exception of attenuating circumstances.

In 2018, there will be an increase of 50 people living in churchyards throughout the country, according to Church World Service. The staff of the organization did not respond immediately to a CNN consultation to obtain updated data.

Chic days that many days pass in the sanctuary felt intensified, aisledo and full of anguish for the future.

But also good moments good.

“I have known so many people … I have been told that there are sciences and sciences of states that have good courage and love for immigrants,” he said. “I saw it with my own proposals.”

Priscilla Alvarez, de CNN, makes an informal contribution.
