Pascal Nadaud asks what motivates him to talk about his child abuse

Mexico City /

Pascal Nadaud is the most recently released reality show “Exatlón”, a salute that surprises everyone, but that he should start the liberation of the tormentosa infancia que vivió, lieu revelar el por qué decidió romper el silencio respecto al sexual abuse and intent to commit suicide who lived for many years.

In an interview with Mediotiempo, el excapitán de la Mexican Rugby Selection dio to know the motive skoolhoof that he had to share the dolorosa infancy that tuvo between the ages and 10 years.

“It’s chistoso, as it has an image that is very different from the person I am, the people create that by the deporte, the works that he tenido, I come as an exit person, creen that the exits live by a family that te apoya, pero no. Me abrí, y decide your time to trust me y empezar a curar todo lo que tengo dentro, porque cada que hablo siento que mejoro, lo canalizo una forma mejor “, expresses a Mediotiempo.

For Pascal the exact moment to talk about it, then the Exatlón or more of a circuit in the play, it is the power of the projection that the television has a program that exits with it.

“A lot of people have been harassing me, they have received phone calls from people I know from what I know, they are the ones I have not been to and the outside world has made the people cry because of Tomaba’s decisions when they were more young than the old man of the people of my family, etc., are helping me, but the Final goal is to be able to do something more for the same people“I’ve been in a society with a lot of people, but it’s a question that is true of the world, that there are no lists for that people are direct, that they are real”.

“We are all human, many times the people create that the athletes do not suffer, that they have a much easier life, but all the world has suffered and that it suffers from the pain, it has to make things and achieve the best of the provechos”, signaled the athlete, who with his history was looking for a change.

Cómo manejó Pascal el abuso en su niñez

The ugly men in Manzanillo, when they were alone and living with their father and his partner, an Italian with alcoholism problems and who sexually abused Pascal when he was ten years old.

“I escaped, I went to bed and I disappeared during the hours, I had to stay, I did not want to be in the house. I did not feel well with the pain, is something that blocks your head, I just found out that I’ve not wanted to be here, I’m feeling comfortable, I’m sorry to hear that my car’s come, I’ve corrected and regressed when I left, I’ve been recovering at some point, but I’ve not done anything serious. , pero todo cambió cuando read about the city, here you will find refuge in other houses“I abrazaban because I have a vulnerable, timid husband, who needs love and I love him even though he’s not alive,” said the athlete, who also admits that his mother abandoned him with his abuella, she is currently in a psychiatric and does not have a good relationship.

Rugby, the plan that follows is present

Although there is now a search for fun to play and the rest of the world, Pascal has planned to travel and relax, but also treats a molestation in the cleft palate y por la cual también reality hall decision como lo hizo. If the injury is allowed to go to the gym then some people think that the baby should not want to go to the first contacts he has.

También also revealed that his generation had a very strong fight, but cares out of new talents who follow impulsive rugby of Mexico

“I read a moment in which the Selection was very strong and our teams will be able to do our job, but I have a very strong level of level in the team and also has some problems with Conade, in the case of money and other topics that are known, the support is bad, now it is not at all, it is not the level, it is not compatible with rugby in Mexico, it is not regretted to play with the lesson that is related to la espalda “, además, conto le le gustaría retomar program la nivionale donde rendería capacities de rugby con cintas y que n sigguó por falta de recursos.

Corruption in the government, the unity of the sport

“The problem is that there are so many deportations and limited resources, but we do not have a war between federations, the problem is the corruption in the country, we are aware that todos los recursos van a donde no tienen que ir and the sport, the education and the culture are in the ones that need to be more focused and in the ones that are less inviting, they believe that there is more to come from Conade, come from a goberno theme. “We’re generating Mexican dollars that we’re not robbing all of when it’s intact when we’ve had a good time,” said Nadaud.
