Participants? Who answers this question a state magnate pays 500 million dollars | El Salvador News

The convocatoria confers an investigator of any who has a history of studies in his competent camps, and who can try his answer.

Robert Thomas Bigelow, a Las Vegas multimillionaire, has a substantial suma de dinero and a quien logre responder una duda existensial.

The convocatoria confers an investigating officer of any who has a history of studies in his competent camps of at least five years, and who can try his answer.

Did you see death after death? It’s the first launched by Bigelow.

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The real estate magnate has not returned to the cause, then in June 2020 the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies, led by his wife Diane Mona Bigelow, of 72 years, murmured leukemia.

How do you respond to the question?

The initiative will be awarded to those who testify to their questioning before the first of August with a thesis of 25 mil words on the subject and what is most relevant to reality.

The collector will be announced on November 1 and will receive $ 500 miles.

The second place will receive 300 million dollars and whoever is in the third place will get 150 miles.

The juices to select for the sons are: Dr. Christopher Green, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at the Detroit Medical Center and the Wayne City School of Medicine who works at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Dr. Brian Weiss , reconciled with the theory of past regression regression, and Leslie Kean research periodical.

A life full of tragedies

The Bigelow family began to take an interest in studies regarding the lawful conscience of lamenting the suicide of his brother-in-law Rod Lee in 1992.

In search of consulate, meet with the famous medium George Anderson to not receive the answers that search.

However, there are many scientists who have been studying Seriously for some time, and in 1997 they donated $ 3.7 million to the University of Nevada in Las Vegas to investigate.

Sondeverbod, debió cerrar the program years despot by not advancing some.
