Part of the 12 de la noche de hoy inicia el silencio elections in Honduras

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Agreements with the Electoral Board and the Political Organizations, five days before the elections queda suspends propaganda in election campaigns of the political parties and initiates the silent elections.

The candidates of the three political parties that won the primary elections March 14th deberán bretus his propaganda activities on the 12th of the mediocre of this month March 8th.

During the fifty days of electoral silence, candidates, leaders and leaders of political parties, alliances and independent candidates, can only use the means of communication to explain, divulge and disseminate their governing programs.

Related: Candidates need to reduce abstinence in Honduras

More than 4 million Hondurans were summoned on March 14 to the polls to elect candidates for more than 2,500 loads.

The parties National, Liberty and Refund (Free, first opposition force) y Liberal were those who celebrated primary elections in the country, which returned to democracy in 1980 through the decades of military regimes.

Missions of at least four international organizations and representatives of various countries will observe the primary elections in Honduras. One of the Councilors of the Electoral National Council (CNE), Germán Lobo, said that the Organization of American States (OEA), the European Union (EU), the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations (Uniore) and the Latin American Economic Commission The Caribbean (Cepal) will watch comics in Honduras.

The total electoral process, which includes the primary elections of March 14 and the general elections of November 28, 2021, ascends to 1,760 million dollars (72,7 million dollars).

Además: Mañana comienzan to distribute the 23,880 polling stations in Honduras

The Electoral National Council (CNE) of Honduras has planned a series of meetings to apply the day of the comics to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Since the first cases were detected on March 11, 2020, the country has accumulated 173,729 cases, including official figures.

For constitutional mandates, the Honduran Army Forces are responsible for transporting and storing the materials used in primary and general elections.

Esperarán las generales

The Minority Parties, the Christian Democracy, the Democratic Unification, Innovation and the Social Democratic Union (PINU-SD), Anti-Corruption and the Honduran Patriotic Alliance, will not participate in the internal elections, but will directly support the general president in November Honduras for the period 2022-2026.

Also included are the Front Front, the Christian Social Center Party, the New Route of Honduras, the Salvador Party of Honduras, the Democratic Liberation of Honduras and All of Honduras.
