Parler users shame ‘Traitor’ Kelly Loeffler for asking for campaign money: ‘You are a billionaire’

Users of Parler, a conservative social media network, on Wednesday criticized Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler for asking for political donations on the platform. Loeffler is running a race that will determine the party’s control of the U.S. Senate.

One Parler user called Loeffler a “traitor” because he no longer supported President Donald Trump’s efforts to support the outcome of the November presidential election. Another asked why she needed donations since she is a ‘billionaire’.

An evaluation of Forbes estimates that Loeffler is ‘the richest person on Capitol Hill’ with a fortune of at least $ 800 million.

Several Parler users asked her to donate, saying, “You’re a billionaire. Why do you always beg for money?”, “You’ll never get a penny from our Georgia Patriots. NEVER,” ” says Meth Barbie what? “and” WE need you to stand with President Trump, your traitor B! “

Kelly Loeffler Parler campaign money billionaire traitor
Users of the far-right social network Parler criticized Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler for asking for political donations, even though she was wealthy. In this November 19, 2020 photo, Loeffler is talking to the crowd of supporters during a “Defend the Majority” trek at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agriculture Center in Perry, Georgia.
Jessica McGowan / Getty

A recent Bloomberg News report found that Loeffler outraged her Democratic opponent Raphael Warnock.

From October 15 to December 16, Loeffler raised $ 64 million in political donations and left $ 21.3 million in her field account on December 24. By comparison, Warnock raised $ 103.4 million in the same period and had $ 22.8 million in cash left over from its December 24 campaign.

In December 2019, Loeffler was appointed by Georgia’s Governor Ben Kemp to the Senate after then-Senator Johnny Isakson resigned for health reasons. She then had to defend her seat in a special election on November 3rd. Because she did not get a majority vote in the general election, she now has to face Warnock again at the end of January 5th.

With a week to go before the special by-elections in the state, more than half a dozen polls conducted over the past two weeks have shown the Democratic candidates as leadership positions as a leadership position within the margin of error against their Republican opponents. The race will determine the party’s control of the Senate.

Loeffler’s husband, Jeff Sprecher, is the CEO of Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange. Before becoming a senator, Loeffler was a senior executive at ICE.

She allegedly took out $ 9 million in shares and stock options that she would have forfeited when she left the company. That was in addition to her 2019 salary and about $ 3.5 million bonus, according to a copy of her financial disclosure form provided by The New York Times.

While Loeffler refused to accept the result of the presidential election in November, she said in mid-December that she had “not yet looked” whether she would object to the result of the election if she voted in the Senate.

“I did not look at it,” Loeffler said. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “January 6 is a long way off, and there is a lot to play from time to time.”

Asked if she disputes the election result calling the race for President-elect Joe Biden, Loeffler avoids acknowledging Biden’s recognition and says, “My focus right now is on my race.”

Both she and his fellow Republican Senator David Perdue, who is also eligible to run in a run-off race in Georgia, refused to accept the election results.

Newsweek Loeffler contacted for comment.
