Parish of the ex of Lúgaro busca becomes a congresswoman

Elizabeth Torres Rodríguez, President of the Exodus Alexandra Lúgaro Aponte, announcing today, Domingo, his candidacy for the delegation to look for the status in the Congress of the United States.

In a video posted on social media, Torres Rodríguez expressed that “the loop for justice always calls me”.

The party of Torres Rodríguez, Edwin Domínguez, were the people who received an indulgence by the ex-governor Wanda Vázquez Garced through the conviction of orders of protection that he imposes in favor of the two aspiring governors.

The special election to elect the proestadid cabilders is scheduled for May 16, available at Ley 167-2020. The 16 aspiring candidates offer 3000 endorsements on their candidacies on the 15th of March.

The recommendation:

The court ruled that all of the candidates should dominate as much as Spain as the English and “compromise their jurisdiction to defend the mandate of the People expressed on November 3 to demand that Puerto Rico be admitted as a United States of America”, as well as to “work actively at the full time during the term of his cargo to log this end”.

The Ley 167 does not define the amount of money the devotees will have in the special process, but will also specify that their guests are covered by the office of Administración de Asuntos Federales (Prfaa) of Washington DC.

Other candidacies are for the high school cargo in the Federal Chamber of Commerce and the state executives Miriam Ramírez de Ferrer y Melinda Romero Donnelly; Zoraida Buxó Santiago, former President of the Junta de Gobierno de la Universidad de Puerto Rico; Víctor Pérez Rentas; Roberto Jesús López Román; Aurelio Antonio Agelviz Rodríguez; y Dereck is José Negrón Torres.

Formerly, the aspirants for the Chamber of Representatives are the exaltation of Ponce María “Mayita” Meléndez y Zayira Jordán Conde, aspiring to the resident commissioner of Victoria Ciudadana Movement. The other sites are statistics that search for one of the four scripts, followed by the list published by the State Election Commission, son Raúl Eduardo Rosas Marrero, Jorge Iván Rodríguez Feliciano, Janet Riefkohl Alicea, Roberto Luis Lefranc Fortuño, Elizabeth Torres Rodríguez, Adriel Jared Vélez Torres y Ricardo Andrés Marrero Passapera.
