Paramilitaries accused of stabbing the Capitol: “Trump is ours”

The story goes back to Donald Trump.

Ese is the consul of many ante the political impunity of the president dictated by the asalto to the Capitol of the past 6 of January.

Pero hooi otro frente abierto. At least 200 participants in Trump’s insurgency were forced into lengthy prison sentences. This week, at a time when Senado is disillusioned accusation , in United States jurisdiction has a gout of imputations.

The Democrats, who argued the accusation in the Chamber of Deputies on various occasions with one of their detainees, one of the first to break the cycle and who, in his opinion, had agreed to take part in the “invitation” of the grand leader of the trumpet .

Dominic Pezzola, a 43-year-old ex-wife of Rochester (New York State) in front of a militant Proud Boys, is one of the fascist groups that are trumpeting Trump’s slogans to push for reconciliation at the Victoria Congress Joe Biden.

Lee also

Beatriz Navarro | Washington

WASHINGTON (USA), 13/02/2021, - A screenshot of a live Senate TV broadcast addressing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, addressing the Senate following the acquittal of the former President of the United States, Donald J Trump, in Trump's Second Accused Trial in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC, USA, February 13, 2021. The US Senate on February 13, 2021 voted to acquit former US President Trump in his indictment on the charge of incitement of insurrection for his role in January 06 was violent attack on the American Capitol.  (Atentado, United States) EFE / EPA / SENATE TELEVISION HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY / NO SALES

Sparrow , like the llaman, is encircled by these accounts. “El presidente nos engañó”, Pezzola stated in his written statement that he was seeking solicitation of liberty, questioning that the court should denounce the pregnancy. His lawyer, Jonathan Zucker, presented this document of five pages in which he defended the culprit to Donald Trump for doing so.

Dice that no eran more than other of the titers of his function.

“Pezzola actu bao la créncia de que patrioticamentie a las suplicas del commande en jefe”, recalcol el elrado. “It’s one of the millions of states that have manipulated the president’s delirium,” he added.

“Many of those who respond to this call are going to take a part in it, even if it is the existence of its existence, while Donald Trump continues to live with his wealth and privileges,” he said.

There is the jurisprudence of which the intellectual author is as responsible as the material author.

Some say that the judge acted to create that the respondent patriotically to the “commander in chief”

Además de Pezzola, media docena de sus colegas ya estaban entre rejas. And the Department of Justice announced the passing of the detention of five others on conspiracy charges. Some are accused of directing masses of accession to access the legislative edification, levied on it by the police. Military clothing vestían.

Although the investigation is advancing with convincing details. Other relevant name: Thomas Edward Caldwell, 66 years old. This is a marina from the Intelligence of the Navy and ex-agent of the FBI co-ordinator between the paramedics of Oath Keepers, one of the collectives of mayor protagonism in the attack.

According to the tax authorities, this group is developing plans to transport arms in barges across the Potomac River and to carry out urban guerrilla training to control and rescue survivors.

Caldwell, while on a list of staff to feed, contacted the former tenants with members of the Three Percenters, other paramilitary paramedics. In his text the suggestions will serve as a boat for transporting equipment and giving “a quick response” with “armed forces” entering the Capitol.

Ever since that release, the Oath Keepers have been hoping for Trump’s “orders” since the day he swore to Biden.

The investigations revealed that the founder of this collective, Stewart Rhodes, ordered the 6th of January to his people “are lists to support Donald Trump”.

Those who, after failing to do so, made sure he learned the lesson “for the next time”

“Potus (President of the United States of America) also has the right to activate his United States,” wrote Jessica Watkins, an Eath Keeper. “If Trump can help me, he will stay,” he said.

Y estuvo. Watkins, 38 years old and a veteran of the exercise, was part of that rapid action force on “if the things are bad”.

In his Ohio house hallaron a buen arsenaal. See Biden as an existential amenity. “Our republic is abraded. “Our obligation as Americans is to laugh, eat and die for our rights,” he said.

The tax authorities point out that, differing from many of the above, “Watkins trained and prepared for this”.

No salió bien. Pero Caldwell, through the failed operation, sent another message to colleagues in his group. “The next time, we had another opportunity – recalculated”, we learned the lesson and we will do more “.
