Papa of actress Carmen Madrid has been vaccinated against coronavirus!

These are very difficult moments for the actress Carmen Madrid. The Mexican guionista also shared on Facebook his horrible odyssey that he lived with his father, Guillermo Flores Montiel, after receiving a vacancy against COVID-19:

“My father was evacuated on February 26th with the Sputnik. It’s healthy. Five hours after fever, diarrhea, and debilitating. By the way, lose the view of the best that tenia, dijo, su ojo. We hope and believe that we will pass. What is it that they say they say? “, Preguntó.

The actress of famous telenovelas like Señora Acero y The heart of the centauro related to: “When the paramedics of 911 – our unbelievable human beings – and I was invited to take him to the hospital, I said: do not tell me alone, mijita. Estate conmigo en lo que me alivio, o en lo que me quiebro. We will decide here. It’s a link to accompany me “.

IG Carmen Madrid


His father failed the domestic court for coronavirus-derived complications, despite being intubated: “Papa has no face, but has many friends, many families who will surely record him with love”, he wrote. “It’s vacant, it’s inferior, it’s ours. I have a number. But my father is not a number, although his last days were confiscated by a protocol.”

With the red heart, we do not want to aggravate the patterns of support: “Thank you to all the friends who support us in this trance. In verdad, his help was of inestimable value. “.

It is not known exactly what caused his death or the cause of his serious reaction to the evacuation. Some people are studying cases that are vacant and they are living in contact with them. Descanse en paz.

If necessary information is updated about the COVID-19, in its sessions, treatment, etc., in favor of visiting the sites of the Centers for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC, by its English flags), which offer service in Spanish:
