Papa Francisco surprises with visit to Holocaust survivor

Roma, Italy.

El papa francisco visited this Saturday by surprise to the Hebrew poet of Hungarian origins and Holocaust survivors Edith Bruck in his house of Rome, info is here Vatican on a note.

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The visit takes place on Thursday at 16.00 (15.00 GMT), when the father goes to the house of Bruck situated in the full center of the capital and desató the surprise of the people who pass at this moment by the zone, which does not dudo in applause and sacral photos.

Papa and Bruck talk during an hour of the writer’s experience as a Holocaust survivor.

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También evocaron los “miedos y esperanzas para el tempemp que que vivimos, subraying the value of the memory and the papel of the elders in his transmission hacia los más jóvenes”, explained in a note the director of the Office of the Press of Santa Sede, Matteo Bruni.

The Vatican Diary The Roman Observer the girl interviewed in black with the motive of Memorial Day and the father queried impressed by his testimony, as this Saturday decision was announced, informed by him the portal of Vatican notices Vatikaannuus.

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At the new meeting, the director of The Roman Observer, Andrea Monda.

In the interview with the Vatican diary, Bruck beskryfió cómo fue arrangant junto con sus padres y hermanos de la casa del rural pueblo rural donde vivía y cômo un hombre que no era hebro le regaló un livreet para ayudar a los judíos perseguidos.

También remembers his work era in the concentration camp of Dachau, tenia ten cavar trincheras y donde en una occasion un soldema alemán le lanzó su cazo para lavar, “Pero en el fondo había dejado un poco de mermelada” for her, the other episode in which a German cook throws a pain in the face when she is crouched in a crescent, moments when she is told that she is called like her, Vatican News reports.
