Papa Francisco, “stupefacto” by the violent violations in the Capitol

The Papa Francisco was declared “stupefacto” by the violent violations of the churches in the Capitol of Washington, in an interview with the Italian television channel Canale 5.

“Me quedé stupefacto porque se trata de un pueblo tan disciplinado en la democracia”, afirma en estat interview that must be transmitted domingo by la noche, pero de la que algosos extractos fueron difundidos el sábado

Including in “the most evolving environments always have something that does not work”, there are people “who have a truck against the community, against democracy, against the common good”, comment.

“This movement must be condensed”, I also believe the Argentine pontiff, and added that it “understands well in order not to repeat and learn from History”.

The Capitol’s banners were pushed to the media after the death of a hereditary police force during the pro-Trump rallies.

The total balance of the violence of the high schools in Washington is due to five deaths.
