Papa Francisco presents his goods to the Secretariat of the Vatican City

Papa Francisco formally appeals to the Vatican Secretariat its financial assets and real estate assets lieu de su falida gestión de millions of euros in donations and inversions which is now the object of an investigation into corruption.

Francisco firma a new lei during the end of week ordering the Secretariat of State to complete the transfer of all its positions to another Vatican official before 4 February.

They also demand that all donations to the father – the Obolo of San Pedro, which is the donations of the dioceses and Catholic Christians of the world enter into the Father, as well as other donations that he is administered by the Secretariat of State – that sean retention and administration by the Vatican Treasury Office as separate funds that are accounted for in the consolidated budget of the Santa Sede.

The cambios are a response to a recent criminal investigation by the Vatican on allegations of malpractice management of donations and inversions by the Secretariat of the Vatican City, resulting in losses of millions of euros at a time of financial crisis for the Santa Sede.

Francisco ordered the transfers in August and signed in November to name a commission to put the cans into practice. The new one permanently has the cambios and finds a company ready for its ejaculation.

The Pope says it is committed to changing the administration, control and vigilance over the activities of the Santa Sede and guaranteeing a “more transparent and efficient management”.
