Papa Francisco names a secretary at the Synod of Bishops

(CNN) – Papa Francisco’s nominee for the first time to a secretary of the Synod of Bishops, informed the Vatican on Saturday.

Frenchwoman Nathalie Becquart will be the first woman to be named for the cargo and will be put to the vote in the synod.

This is a place to help you make key decisions in the Catholic Church, according to Vatican News, the official site of Santa Sede.

The Synod Brinda assesses the pontiff, including many controversial topics such as divorce.

Papa Francisco’s nominee Becquart, along with P. Luis Marn of San Martín as the last subscribers.

Cardinal Mario Grech, who captured the Synod, told the Vatican News that “he has opened a door” to the possibility that more women can vote.

Nathalie Becquart will serve as secretary of the Synod of Bishops.

“During the last Synods, numerous synodal parishes embraced the need for all the Iglesia to reflect on the place and the papal wall within the Iglesia,” Grech said.

“Including the Papa Francisco detachment varies the importance of the women being more involved in the processes of discernment and decision-making in the Church. In the last synods we will increase the number of women who participate as experts or auditors.

«With the name of the Hna. Nathalie Becquart, and the possibility of participating in the vote, has opened a door. We see that other steps can be taken in the future “, said Grech.
