Pandillas toman more control over drug trafficking in El Salvador | El Salvador News

Cocaine in the first place of decomisos; of 2020, pandillas trafican methanfetaminas ya. Fiscal data show a bay in Bukele’s drug dealing boards.

El Salvador sees itself as the point of transit of drug cartels to move its United States and other nations’ products, while pandillas are playing a role that has been most active in controlling the territory of many communes in the country.

The pandillas pass to cover the export to those who sell the drug in their territories to the direct retailers, without giving up a load of consumption.

Agreed with the criminologist Carlos Ponce, the evolution of pandillas has been notable in recent years and now its direct protagonists of traffic and commercialization of illegal substances.

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“At one instance the pandilla commenced extraction of the persons selling drug in its territory, but in the middle it was time for the pandillas to be sold more during the negotiation, selling drug and also working including some traffic organizations ”, Said Ponce.

The expert on security issues added that the pandillas “he paid a jump in this business illicit”.

The pandilla includes an incursion into drug-addicted drug labs in the country. In October of this year, the police dismantled methanepetamine clinics on MS-13. The pandilleros used the facade of a “Christian ministry” not to preach the Gospel, but to prosecute drugs.

According to the Police and Fiscalia, the pandilleros prepare various services in laboratories that operate in Mejicanos and in the residential San Luis, in San Salvador.

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This hallazgo val saam met the thesis of Ponce of evolution that he tenido these delictive groups, that no only he incursion in the drug traffic, sino that also in the lavado of dinero, tal and as evidence has varied years with the operation Jaque.

The decimisos in five years

The Diario de Hoy has been working with obtenidos to obtain information on Access to Information in the last fifty years in drug trafficking by the median countries solicited by the General Fiscalia, debating the information, and making it public the web portals of its institution in the Civil National Police.

The data reflect the appearance of drugs that were not very frequent in the reports of the authorities such as heroin, ecstasy and methanepetamines, which may mean that these drug addicts, the difference between cocaine and marijuana, the salvadoreña plaza.

The official dates reveal that in the last fifty years he has contained 12 tons of different types of illegal substances. Cocaine is the most commonly used drug: around nine tonaladas, while marijuana boys 2.5 toneladas.

In the map of the stupefying patients appears the heroin, which time will be considered a drug that only passes through the country, but now there is a local consumer market. The heroin, which since 2017 has made an increase in the salaries and attendance in El Salvador, for that matter, these years are 298 grams; a gram in 2018; but in the 2019 decomisaron 995 grams. For the year 2020, the authorities will not report back.

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También circulates more in the calls of ecstasy, during the past year, the Fiscalía registers the decomiso of 1,648 grams (1.6 kilos).

In his step he took other lands, the drug did not have a circular date in El Salvador, but it was also increased for local consumption.
