“Pandemic”, “confinement” … and “murder”, words of the year in the world

“Pandemia”, “confinamiento”, “covidiota” … and “mierda”’s son is the burden of the palabras of the elegant and different idioms of the institutes and the best of 2020 and the virus has the leno and the aspect of affecting the nuestras vidas. , including the language.

The test is that, on the contrary, in previous years, in the different phrases of this abarcaban multitude of themes, in this practice all turns into a pandemic aspect that suffers from months ago.


The institution that has the honor to have initiated in the 70s of this past sailing tradition with its “Wort des Jahres” is the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache or the Academy of the German Language, which this year has awarded the title to “Corona-Pandemie ”(‘Coronavirus Pandemia’).

In this line, without much surprise, some of the institutions that chose the English dictionary in English as well as the Merriam-Webster dictionary as dictionary.com were told by “pandemic” (‘pandemic’).

The American Dialect Society, another of the classics of this year, has preferred “covid”, a term that, explicitly, “has a year that does not exist and has been used to define our lives in 2020”.


In Spain, the Spanish Emergency Fund, promoted by the EFE Agency and the RAE, has, since 2013, organized this meeting. On this occasion, the choice was “confined”, meaning that it was a reality that we were satisfied with in another way in all the world and that it was significantly updated this year by the Academy to discover the new reality.

Saamval met the call of another of the great English dictionaries, the Collins, who had chosen “lockdown”; while the National Center of the Dictionary of Australia prefers “iso”, the provision of “self-isolation” (‘autoaislamiento’): ‘the act of maintaining the margin of the months as a form of limiting the propagation of an infected infection ‘.


But in this world, Macquarie’s dictionary, a reference to the English English, would choose the words of the year: a selection by a committee of experts and another by the public. This year, in order to be more varied, he doubled down on the choice: for a load of words related to the pandemic and for the other “terminals of the life pandemic”.

In the first group, the experts chose “rona”, an arrangement that is employed in Australia for “coronavirus”, while the public prefers “covidiot” (‘covidiota’), alluding to those who ignore the advertisements about health the public safety in the pandemic.

In the pandemic environment, the elegids have “doomscrolling”, a term of difficult translation in Spanish that refers to the obsession with consuming brands (generally malas), and “Karen”, a number that is used in colloquial languages ​​to refer to of despicable form a determined type of woman (white, median edad, demanding, probably racist and antivacious …).

“Anderhalvemetersamenleving”, the society of the metro and the middle

Of particular interest is the double election that took place this year, Van Dale, a Dutch editorial and course editor who taught his followers a word of the year for the Netherlands and elsewhere for the Flemish area of ​​Belgium.

In the first case the governor is “anderhalvemetersamenleving”, which could be translated as ‘the society of the metro and the middle (distance)’, a term used by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, to define the type of relations in spaces and public access points that will keep society afloat during the pandemic.

In the flamenco variant the word of the year is “knuffelcontact”, as well as ‘companion of mimos (or de abrazos)’, a person, apart from any member of the family, with whom you can have a physical contact during the crisis of coronavirus and that must be done at all times to avoid contagions.

El kanji del año es

The foundation that regulates the aptitude tests in Japanese elige also a kanji (the ideograms used in the writing of the Japanese idiom) representative of each year. On this occasion the chosen one is the “mitsu”, which by its sole meaning “leneo de gente” or “cerca” and which has become popular in a new expression known during pandemic times: “los 3 mitsu” (or “3C” ”) Referred to“ confined spaces ”,“ competitive booths ”and“ closed contact areas ”which, according to the indications of the authorities, must be avoided in order not to extend the contagios.

A year without precedents

By 2020 there will be a year of speculation and it will be difficult to do so. As Oxford University Press, which has been the most renowned in English since 2004, has renounced this year. The most well decided to reorient his election.

In its webpage it explains that “2020 is not a year that can accommodate a single word of the year”, which he prefers to inform in a more complete way about “the phenomenal amplitude of change and development of the language during the year” in an informative called “Palabras de un ao sin precedentes”.

It analyzes the evolution of voices such as “covid-19”, “lockdown” (‘confinement’), ‘social distancing’ (‘physical distance’) or ‘reopening’ (‘reapertura’), also known as ‘bushfire’ ( ‘forest incendios’) or ‘Black Lives Matter’ (‘Las vidas negras importan’).

A year of mierda

There are certainly many linguistic considerations, the readers of the British diary The Guardian have found very clear and, when asked what they are for the word that best defines this 2020, respond with a ‘shit’ round (‘mierda’) .

If it is not clear then, in the second place it is “fucked” (‘iodide’) and in the third ‘exhausting’ (‘agotador’). A trio that is not very elegant, but with the fact that it is not difficult to form a solid definition of what, for many, is the year that is high.
