Panay Touts “the next generation of Windows”

In a very brief appearance during an Ignite 2021 session today, Panos Panay, CEO of Windows, finally discussed the future of Windows. Vague and in passing.

“I have not yet talked about the next generation of Windows and what is going to come after this, but I can tell you that I am so pumped,” he said, referring to his favorite catchword. “We are not talking about it today.”

It is not clear what Panay was talking about today: The session in which he made this remark, called The heartbeat of modern work: A Windows fireside chat with Panos Panay & Roanne Sones, was less than 15 minutes long. And he didn’t really say much about the content.

“I know the future of Windows is incredible, which will definitely bring us to the table,” he continued. “But finally we’re here today to talk about Windows 10 and what Windows 10 brings to the table, and how we can support our customers and partners here at Ignite.”

I’ll just throw out this observation: it’s interesting to me that he refers to ‘the next generation of Windows’ when he refers to the future, but he explicitly calls the current version ‘Windows 10.’ It can only be because there will be something called Windows 10X soon. But it may also suggest that there is a trademark change for what we consider to be Windows 10 version 21H2.

We will know soon.
