Pamela Sued da positivo al Covid-19 luego de aplicarse la vacuna J&J en Estados Unidos

The Pamela Sued communicator dio positive to Covid-19 will apply the Johnson & Johnson vacancy in United States last week.

Pamela habia dicho que think that suffers the secondary effects of the vaccine against coronavirus, however, several studies have been conducted that have been diagnosed with coronavirus.

“I understand that it has secondary effects like many people have it. Entonces, hoy lamentablemente volviéndome a sentir mal me hicieron unas examenes y lamentablemente estoy positiva al covid ”, dijo la presenteren in un video en sus redes sociales.

Explained that it appears that at the time of vaccination he was incubating the virus, but that there was some reason why he tried to travel to Miami.

The driver of “Pamela todo un show” says that he has not been able to get the vaccine, and that the victim of this vaccine has seen that the virus is more alive.

Asimismo, he stated that he would not travel to the United States to evacuate because he would do better than in the country, so that the opportunity and approval was presented.

Sued, who was the master of ceremonies of an activity of the Alcaldia of the National District and was together with various persons between them Iamdra Fermín, was discussed with women who had been recently contacted and exhorted to see the corresponding tests.

Ayer martes, Pamela dijo: “Thank you to all who have written to me for my salute. The accounts that I recently traveled to the EUE can be vacated and are currently undergoing the secondary effects of the vacancy. Hoy (ayer martes) me is conducting a medical exams. Hoping that everything will go well ”, the communicator wrote on his Instagram account.
