Paloma Suau shares the news of the classic “La dama de las camelias”

Realize a movie in the middle of a pandemic that can be a live demonstration of magical realism. While delivering “burbujas” to work, and internally joining the body of talents and technicians, while maintaining COVID-19 constant testing, it is limiting physical contact, as it is a new way of doing things that it accepts tal como se presenta, o se descarta.

The Paloma Suau directorate accepts the retort that the plant’s producer Rafael Abudo Masso took from a guinea pig in October 2020, traerlo to the news – as much as the physique as in the text-, and start talking live during this month. It was the opportunity that the Puerto Rican filmmaker was hosting.

“I’ve had a long time since I started working as a director and I do not have to produce, because it’s very complicated to do those things, and I’ve started working for a contract and make something,” said Suau.

The guion, as presented originally, has no connection. It was a tragic version of the novel “The Lady of the Camellias” (1848) which, for its fortune, had the freedom to transform, to bring back to life in a context of authentic Puerto Ricanism. Here comes “The Camellias”, a movie that unfolds in a moment a little ahead of the pandemic, preserving the original world mats of the bailarina and prostitute “Margarita”, interpreted by Denise Quiñones.

“It’s a classic work, but we’re navigating a sea of ​​clichés and want to see how it is transformed into a species of homage to something that is part of our idiosyncrasy, because the clichés are real and compose much of what we are, but the return was to navigate without making a charrería, haciendo un buena película, y entonces dije, la unica manera de esto es cambiarle el rhythm, modernizarlo y buscarle el humor aravés de unos characteres interprosos un unos de primera actors, y crear estas relaccionen dent ellos donde logremos este lenguaje a we are serious about it, we hope so, ”said the director.

Composed by Xavier Morales, Mickey Negrón, Anushka Medina, José E. Hernández, Salomé Monroig (wife of Glenn Monrig, hermana de Suau), Erick Rodríguez, Junior Álvarez, Carola García, Yan Collazo, Bryan Villarini, Luis O ‘Farrill, Marian Pabón, Israel Lugo, Cristina Soler, Modesto Lacén, Cordelia González, Camila Monclova, Heyda Salamán, Braulio Castillo, hijo, and Alexandra Malagón, among others.

Paloma Suau conducts the film protagonized by Denise Quiñones along with a prime single.
Paloma Suau conducts the film protagonized by Denise Quiñones along with a prime single.

“If there is no respect for death, neither for COVID, nor for all the serious things that are going on, nor for impossible loves, but that within the situation there is a way that our rhymes, because we have in the fair always has good things and always has humor ”, reflects Suau on the optimistic message that can be sought in the public.

“If you do not know how to transform the tragedy into something that you can do, we will continue to pillage, because its times are very difficult,” he said.

“Las camelias” is part of the character “Margarita” (Quiñones), to whom the owner of the brothel, “Osman” (Junior Álvarez), announces that at night they will visit an important producer of television, which she feeds the hallucination of this ambience to discover another world. The same thing happened to the club “Armando Vidal” (Xavier Morales) in order to enjoy his solstice, and there is a confusion, very much the comedy of errors, which initiates a triangular amorous between these characters.

With Denise working Cristina Soler and Xavier Morales.
With Denise working Cristina Soler and Xavier Morales.

The travesty character “Rubí”, represented by Villarini, is a tribute to the director of the prison Antonio Pantojas, who is currently acting “La dama de las camelias”.

“Another happy accident”

Honoring the title of his most recent documentary, “The Accident Happy,” Suau spoke with enthusiasm about the content of the project’s latest work on the set. The moon completes the first stage of the “burbuja” stage in Aguadilla and is the second in Lorenzo, which extends over three days. The last week will be two weeks in Aibonito.

“It’s marvelous, it takes a long time to create a narrative algorithm, it’s completely collaborative,” he shared. At the cinematographic level it is “playing a lot” with the sensory, because it combines wide camera shots with transitions to short, closed planes.

About the stage work with Denise, dijo, ha sido un deleite. Previously, the direction in the project “Elena Santos”.

“The job that is happening is a series of actions in its characterization … It is a team member”, detailed.

Ambas tends to have his first experience leading a sex scene, a directorial direction and the other as an actress. “It’s an alivio tener a main actress who is judging”.

In the technical plan, “Las camelias” integrates with Abudo Massó, executive product; Yamara Rodríguez, producer, Willie Berríos, photography director; Luis Edgardo Maldonado and Emilio Olabarrieta, art; Tita Núñez, vestuario; Bryan Villarini and his team, makeup, and sonido, Margarita Aponte.

The road ends March 15 in San Juan.
The road ends March 15 in San Juan.

The songs of the movie, “En boca de todos” and “Vamo ‘allá”, are compositions by Glenn Monroig, which will be performed by Denise Quiñones and Salomé Monroig, respectively.

The road ends March 15 in San Juan.
