Palm Beach reviews Trump’s residency in Mar-a-Lago

The city of Palm Beach, Florida, confirmed to The Hill on Friday that it is conducting a legal review of former President TrumpDonald Trump ‘QAnon Shaman’ willing to testify in indictment, lawyer says Boebert clashes with Parkland survivor on Twitter: ‘Give your keyboard a rest, child’ Overnight Defense: FEMA asks Pentagon to help with vaccinations | US says Taliban ‘failed to meet commitments’ | Army investigating Fort Hood chaplain MORE‘s right of abode in Mar-a-Lago after suggesting he could do so in December.

“Our city attorney is reviewing the agreement and its laws,” Palm Beach Town manager Kirk Blouin told The Hill.

Trump moved to his Florida club on the morning of January 20 after leaving office before President Biden was sworn in.

The former president’s decision to make Mar-a-Lago a permanent residence could be a violation of the rules set out in a previous agreement with the city when he decided to turn the private residence into a private residence in 1993. club to convert.

Among the conditions was that club members, including Trump, could only spend a maximum of seven consecutive days on the premises and no more than three weeks a year, CNN reported.

Blouin told the Miami Herald last month that the city was not aware of Trump’s intention to live permanently in his Palm Beach club, but that it would “address the matter appropriately” if necessary.

A spokesman for the Trump organization told the Herald earlier: “There is no document or agreement prohibiting President Trump from using Mar-a-Lago as his residence.”

It is unclear when the review is expected to be completed, but Trump’s right to stay at the club could be a point of discussion at an upcoming city council meeting on February 9, CNN reports.

Updated: 10:19 pm
