Palacio Nacional 8M: La antidrones de López Obrador

Image distributed on the account of Jesus Ramirez vocational president.
Image distributed on the account of Jesus Ramirez vocational president.Twitter / @JesusRCuevas

The drones will be converted during the 8-M journals on a national security basis. During the movements of these moons by the International Day of the Mujer a bunch of agents with antidrones devices from the tech of the National Palace, current residence of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, cause alarm among the protesters. Before the warning signs about the women who wrote to the agents carrying similar objects to the arms, the president’s spokesman Jesús Ramírez insisted on his Twitter account that he inhibited to prevent drone flights over the colonial edifice. It’s the first time that devices of this type have been evident during the course of a serious protest, some experts in security consulted on this diary.

The Mexico City Governorate has more than 2,300 police officers and 34 monuments during the 8-M feminist movements. One of the most detached sites to guard is the Palacio Nacional, the official residence and seat of the Executive, which is surrounded by the lakes with metallic walls anticipating the shock of the protesters. The demonstration of 81 heroes and four detainees follows the most recent information from the capital authorities. The governor of Gobierno, Claudia Sheinbaum, insisted on the news of this March that no lacrimogenic gas was used to suppress the charges that were being charged against the protection of the palace. This is a list of the shocking image numbers between the police and the women and testimonials affected by gas. The agents stationed at the residence’s azotea, firing signal-inhibiting rifles, completed the photo of the use of the vehicle during the commemoration of Día de la Mujer.

In September, the Secretaría de la Defensa (Sedena) consists of four antidron teams at the company INT Intelligence and Telecom Technologies México. The tender deed, available on the Compranet portal, states that this type of artifact costs a unit cost of 816,262 pesos, a whopping 38,300 dollars. In total, Ejército unpacked 3.7 million pounds (178,000 dollars) for the devices. According to information from the manufacturer Hikvision, the devices of the model UAV-D04JAI Jammer have a capacity of up to 1,200 metros, one kilogram seat and the fusil is connected to a battery that guarantees the operation of the inhibitor up to 10 hours.

For the photographer Santiago Arau, who uses drones to capture images from twenty years ago, the use of these drone inhibitors is an exaggerated medium and criticized the authorities for not communicating the use of these artifacts to prevent an accident. “A block is a signal from a device that is flying about miles of people that it is down to the person who can cause an accident. “A drone is like the sky and it’s a person who can eat,” he said.

Arau related that tenia planned to capture images of areas of the feminist march in the wake of the five of the late. Since his first appearance, it has become clear that an uninterrupted interference with the impedance will have absolute control over his drone, so that the decision will not be taken. The photographer agrees that there is no antecedent in Mexico to consider drones as a national facility. “In the march, the function of a drone is to treat and share the feeling of a movement as important as the feminist movement,” he said.

The anti-drone guns work by sending electromagnetic forces that make the device control the satellites of its satellites and the remote control signal of the person it is piloting, so that it can not follow the flight. The Mexican photographer, who has a long experience hacking tomatoes in the Zocal of Mexico City, believes that this is the first time he has problems flying a device because of its inhibitors. He, who had retreated all the way to the front and part of the country on a voyage, proceeded to fly drones, with prior authorization, in federal zones.

The Secretariat of Communications and Transport prohibits the operation of these devices in restricted or dangerous zones, for the transport of dangerous goods, prohibited substances, arms, explosives and operating in open houses or closets where more than 12 people are reunited. The drones with a superior weight to the two kilos must be compared with a special permit for their mane, while the devices with a minor weight only must be used to establish the dispositions for their recreational or commercial use.

For Alejandro Hope, security analyst, the use of drone inhibitors during the Paris March is one more provocation as a protection element. The expert added that the decision to use gun antidones, amoral the Palacio Nacional and including launching lacrimogenic gas against the assistants and account of the tension escalation on the part of the Administration of López Obrador with the feminist movement. “His demolition of the images, the battle for the image of the federal government,” he said.

Daniel Gómez, another security analyst, questioned the visible sign of this type of inhibitors during a mobilization. “There are photos and videos of the National Palace from the air, which are obviously full of drones and which he did not fight, I understand that for security this type of device is used [inhibidores]”what he does not understand is what the sacs are at this moment in a way that is ostensibly visible,” he said.

Gómez cree that the Gobierno failed to guarantee the security of the assistants in the movement and the police, many of them also women. “There is at present a protocol, a manual, or a law of the public sphere that guarantees the human rights of the poor. We will see these images repeated in the length of the electoral campaign at many levels ”, verklaring.

The level of vigilance and protection that must be exercised to save the Palacio Nacional during the 8-M anniversary contrasts with the zero security guarantees of women living in a country where 10 feminist women are killed and 99% of them sexual crimes that impede.

