Pakistan’s Punjab province bans virginity tests for rape survivors in ruling

The High Court in Lahore in Punjab province declared the practice illegal by saying that it has ‘no medical basis’ and that it insults the personal dignity of the female victim and is therefore the right to life and the right to dignity. ‘

So-called virginity tests, which include inspecting the hymen or inserting two fingers into the vagina, are invasive examinations under the belief that they can determine if a woman is a virgin. It is a long-standing tradition in many regions around the world – including Pakistan – to judge a girl’s or woman’s “honor or virtue”, according to the World Health Organization.

The tests are performed for different reasons, such as before marriage, or even to be eligible for the service. But in some regions, rape victims are being investigated to determine whether or not a sexual assault took place.

The United Nations describes virginity testing as not a scientific or medical basis and considers it a human rights violation. Women and girls can be forced to undergo the tests, which are “often painful, humiliating and traumatic” and, according to WHO, can have psychological, physical and social consequences, especially in cases of rape.

Despite calls from various UN agencies to end the practice, it continues and has been documented in at least 20 countries – including the United States.
So-called virginity tests are unreliable, intrusive and sexist.  And yet they continue

Two petitions filed in Lahore in March and June 2020 were filed by a group of women rights activists, academics, journalists, lawyers and a member of the National Assembly to ban such tests for rape survivors. They argued that the tests were unscientific, intrusive, derogatory and a source of re-traumatization.

In her ruling, Judge Ayesha Malik sided with the submitters, saying the tests have “no forensic value in cases of sexual violence” and are discriminatory against women. She also instructed the government to draw up guidelines and training programs to ensure that examiners stop the practice.

“Virginity tests are very invasive, without scientific or medical requirements, but are performed in the name of medical protocols in cases of sexual violence. This is a humiliating practice used to give the victim suspicion, as opposed to focusing on the accused and the incident of sexual violence, “Malik said in court documents.

Sahar Bandial, a lawyer for the Lahore High Court and one of the lawyers who filed the petition, said the ruling would have wider cultural implications.

“This is so important because there has been so much emphasis in our culture, as virginity means the purity of a woman,” Bandial said. She added that women who were subjected to the tests were accused of being ‘accustomed to sex’ and of drawing conclusions about their sexual history in the past.

“There is a inference that the woman had easy virtue and probably consented to sexual activity,” she said.

The ban applies to Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province, with more than 110 million people. Fighters, however, believe the ruling will set a precedent for courts across the country.

“My hope is that the system will become more sensitive to rape victims; the experience of having to undergo a penetrating test again is rheumatizing for a rape victim. I hope this ruling makes the justice system a more responsive and safer place for women to come out and speak out against violence, ‘Bandial said.

In November, the Punjab government banned the so-called ‘two-finger’ test by medical investigators in rape cases, following the petition’s protest in the courts. Monday’s ruling entrenches this and goes further by including all virginity tests.

Following the ruling, Pakistan’s Human Rights Minister Shireen Mazari tweeted that the decision was indeed a ‘landmark judgment’.

In a statement, the submitters said it was a “welcome development and a much-needed step in the right direction to improve the investigative and judicial processes and make it fairer for victims of rape and sexual assault.”
