Paises pobres son “rehenes” of the manufacturers of cars, denuncian las NGO

The current sanitary crisis over the COVID-19 pandemic has turned into many countries, particularly the poorest, in “pharmaceutical” queues that impose prices, dosing requirements and have required legal immunity, denouncing it in a row of press representatives of various NGOs.

“Many Latin American governors, for example, are marketed by pharmaceutical companies and are obliged to accept any condition”, lamented the coordinator of the Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines by Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) De Carvalho.

The advocate of human rights Fatima Hassan, of the Initiative for a Sanitary Justice, agrees that these steps “have to accept a limited distribution, an artificial creation, pay the costs and allow us to allow the secrecy and accords “.

De Carvalho underlined that this situation has provoked that in countries such as Brazil or Mexico it has been said that interrupting the lack of dose evacuation campaigns that the Brazilian governor has paid more precisely than his European counterparts in the vacancies of those who hayan pedido a Argentinië cambiar sus leyes a cambio de distribuis sus vacunas.

It is, advirtieron, is dandose in regions that have some of the mortality rates by COVID-19 more altas of the planet, like Latin America or Africa, many sanitary and hospital speeches are in collapse and many workers in the sector, exhaust, no ten perspective can be vacated in short space.

The activists will present this black panorama in order to defend the approval of the World Trade Organization (OMC), an initiative presented by India and South Africa, to suspend the patents of vacancies and other products for sale against COVID-19, with the end of what can be manufactured freely.

The initiative, which is being debated again in the WTO next week, is supported by many countries in disarray, but also encounters the opposition of the economies that have their seats in the large pharmaceutical markets (United States, European Union, United Kingdom, Japan , etc.).

“We do not understand why we have a monopoly on needed products globally, why we limit the distribution of vacancies, and why fundamental technologies need to be governed by exclusivity”, De Carvalho said in the press release organized by the Association ( ACANU).

Pharmacists argue that Deben is recovering the millions of investments he has made to investigate antiquated vacancies, although the representatives of the NGOs have made sure that he receives some public subsidies.

“The dejan monopolizes the benefits he received from the governors more than 93,000 million dollars, not being the most necessary”, stated KMGopakumar, of the Third World Network.

The MSF representative assured that the governors had inverted more than twice as much money as the medicines in vacancies, treats and other treatments against the pandemic, and signaled that their companies should avoid exact figures on their basic research funds. of innovation “.

The activists also record that many countries depend on the international donations of antiquated vehicles organized by the Red COVAX (supported by the World Health Organization) to record their dose, including that this humanitarian measure has less to do with the negotiator.

“In Latin America, many countries sent money to COVAX, but did not have any information about when they received the dose, which amounts to what”, “De Carvalho lamented.
