“Paired Pearls”: Frida Sofia recalls when Silvia Pinal regained her weight

Frida Sofia sigue dando de qué hablar, esta vez al recordar que tuvo que dejar de comer porque su abuela, Silvia Pinal, the return by lucir with a few kilos more.

La hija de Alejandra Guzmán abrió nuewamente su corazón, this time during an interview with Lucía Méndez for his YouTube channel, in which he shared an anecdote with his mother-in-law, who had an observation about his weight.

Although for a moment this episode was aired, ensuring that it maintains an excellent relationship with Silvia Pinal and that the habit is never regained, corrected, and told an anecdotal sympathy.

A time that regressed from the international media plump y my dice: ‘no, no pinal pareces, puerco pareces’“, Causing the surprise of the influencer.

Dicha confession caused surprise to Lucía Méndez, and as I recorded the young man of 29 years: “La dynastía se me fue, pero para ya sabes donde“, Agregó entre risas.

By supuesto, tuvo que poner su alimentación en orden y recurrir a un rigorosa diet con la que logró recuper su subelta silueta.

I’m regressed (internally) and yo asi ‘I’m frying, I’m frying’, entonces ya no comía nada O see, fue aaklig por la regañada que me puso“Recorded with nostalgia.

The recent discovery surge of strong declarations made in advance Gustavo Adolfo Infante, donde asseguró que su abuelo, Enrique Guzmán, covers his intimate parts from the age of 5 years. The controversy caused controversy between family members, on Thursday Alejandra Guzmán salió in defense of his father, while he Silvia Pinal demonstration that always brindará su apoyo a Frida Sofia.

Frida tu abuela te ama intensamente y nos necesitamos ambas“, Dijo the actress traversed a press release, in which he signaled his interest in being on the side of his niece.

Además, aseguró estar enterada de todo lo que ha okurrido a lo largo de su vida, por lo que pidio que le permita ayudarla a soluvis sol problems, pero de forma privada y ne mediaticamento som ha sucedido duras ultimos días.
