Paco Sanz: The man who staffed miles of people to simulate 2,000 tumors except two years old | Sociedad

Paco Sanz (izquierda) reads this Monday at the Madrid Provincial Audience.
Paco Sanz (izquierda) reads this Monday at the Madrid Provincial Audience.JJ Guillén / EFE

Paco Sanz, known as the man of the 2,000 tumors, has accepted a pen of two years of age while recognizing that staff of miles simulated a terminal terminal. The accused, who had agreed to the Taxation at the beginning of the trial that he had started this month, would collect more than 264,780 euros of persons, among them famous individuals, who were created to contribute an experimental treatment in Estad. According to the police investigation, this money is destined for purchases, journeys and has a cruiser.

At the start of the trial, at the Madrid Provincial Court, the defense of Paco Sanz iscoFrancisco José Sanz González de Martos― and the public ministry negotiated and agreed on a penal relationship, only referring to the civil liability regarding any of the affected, for which the process continues. So, the Fiscalia has rebuffed his petition for six years’ imprisonment for a maximum of 2,600 euros (nine months, a reasonable euro rate), while the money for Lucía Carmona, Sanz’s new entity, will be of one year and nine months in three years. She was also the mother of Sanz’s mother, Maria del Carmen González, who was responsible for the lucrative title. The father was prosecuted, but failed in Mayo passed. In this case, the possible civil liability of the litigants is considered only. The charges are adhered to in the petition of the Ministry of Taxation.

In Sanz was diagnosed with Cowden’s syndrome in 2009, which is a rare genetic disorder, responsible for causing multiple tumors and cancers in various parts of the body, without any vital risk. The tax rate related to the accusation, given that the quesa measures months of life, is estimated to have reached 264,780 euros due to economic aid taken through social speeches and means of communication to treat an experimental treatment, which receives a pension for absolute incapacity of 745.99 euros, urdió a plan to obtain a lucrative patrimony between the years 2010 and February of 2017. With messages like ” hago all the possible to salvage me live and the only experimental option is in the United States. Thanks to people like you, you can follow up with the treatment, quiza curarme, or including you can find a cure that you can help others ”, concigoí conmover a miles de persona, including the humorist José Mota or the presenter of Jorge television Javier Vázquez, who contributed to defuse his cause.

Sanz ha llegado sobre las 9.45 a los juzgados junto a su letrado, sin hacer declarations a la prensa, con la mirada peridida y visibly desorientado. He told the court that in order to cure his illness, he would travel between 10 and 12 weeks to the United States in order to establish a clinical trial that would not incur medical costs. These journeys cost between 6,000 and 8,000 euros per month and are paid to your pension fund, provided you pay assistance. “Families and friends receive between 8,000 and 10,000 euros, but there is no amount of money received by third parties”, he said. He also received 500 euros for a book published on his behalf.

The trial only responded to the questions of his letter, although he objected to his request to clarify that she “did not say anything”. For his part, Lucía Carmona has stated that she was married to Sanz in 2014 and, although no one has seen him in person, he helped to recover the money so that he could recover. When it launches a deal in 2017, Paco will open a bank account in Valencia of which Carmona is entitled to, following its relationship, it will only use four shares to transfer 200 euros in each operation, for which money will be deducted. “Not even a penny of the donations”, he recalled, and confessed that he did not say anything more than that he had managed his money. Carmona has just announced that she will be living in Seville and Elenia in Valencia, with only powder powder in four occasions.

In the case of the judges in Sanz and Carmona, he made many statements, but his letter, Alberto Martín, insisted that he was “ignorant” and only accepted the agreement “to eliminate risks”, by “responsibility”. The lawyer explained that there were parties who could apply for up to 27 years to deal with a continuous staff dispute, and that with the fine agreed, his client did not enter prison. Martín has defended that Carmona, who was 17 years old when he married Paco Sanz, is a “victim”, that “always a good deed” he believes that this decision is absolutely enamored.

With the goal of giving more diffusion to his supreme condition, Sanz contacted various actors and presenters of television, such as the humorist Santi Rodríguez, who organized a charity gala in Valencia on May 30, 2013, event in which he was able to recover 3,000 euros in tickets. The same as the writer Miguel Hervás Abad published the book Paco Sanz, a life of sueños, a life of lucha, with the prologue and the epilogue edited by the youtuber Auronplay and professional exporter Pedro García Aguado, respectively. The sales of the book ascended to 2,184 euros, with 364 copies sold.

Bajo the pretext of financing the supuesto treatment, created in 2010 a web page in which exaggeraba the symptoms of his illness, claiming that suffers a “genetic cancer”, or that the quedaban “months of life”. In dicha web page, colgaba posts of type “me avergüenza pedir dinero”. This includes the possibility that the donation will be made by sending an SMS in solidarity with a cost of 1.45 euros to the number 25600 with the Palabra Paco, or also the possibility of donating quantities received through its PayPal account.

During the investigation, the police caught 17 videos in which the accused was robbed of his donors. The people will receive the money from the bank transfer by bank transfer. Sanz fue detenido en La Pobla de Vallbona (Valencia) ante sospecha de stafa, blanqueo de capitales y apropiación indebida. In some scenes described by the grab, Sanz appears bromeando with the “oxygen of the hucha”, referring to the donations that he receives, or playing with a hospital probe with his mother in the background.

The verdict will continue this March, with the statement as witnesses of the water polo executor Pedro García Aguado, announced by the television program Hermano burgemeester; the humorist Santi Rodríguez; the writer Alejandro Ruiz Hurtado, author of the book Asia Paco Sanz, actor Ignacio Guerreros and photographer Roberto Pedro Roca, among others. He met the testimonies of the singers Ramón Melendi and Charo Reina, the television presenters Risto Mejide and Dani Mateo, the youtuber Auronplay and the football player of Cádiz Álvaro Negredo, without perjection of the indemnities and other effects of the sentence that the powder correspond.

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